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  1. ironjim

    Comment by 'ironjim' in article 'The Emotional Side Of Chicken Processing'

    All these people who pushing vegetarian lifestyles, saying our bodies weren't designed for meat, don't really understand reality. A true vegetarian lifestyle will leave you anemic. The ones who eat eggs and other animal products will probably be alright. I just wish they wouldn't share so much...
  2. ironjim

    Comment by 'ironjim' in article 'The Emotional Side Of Chicken Processing'

    All these people who push vegetarian lifestyles and say our bodies weren't designed for meat don't really understand reality. A true vegetarian lifestyle will leave you anemic. The ones here who eat eggs will probably be alright. I just wish they wouldn't share so much untrue "knowledge". good...
  3. ironjim

    Comment by 'ironjim' in article 'What To Do With Unwanted Cockerels'

    We have had terrible luck with roosters being aggressive. I killed one and gave another away. We had one that was nice and the dogs got him. I bought some black australorps last spring and one turned out to be a rooster. He is awesome! He keeps a keen eye on the girls and has shown any signs of...
  4. ironjim

    rubber plucker fingers...Cheap place to buy them???

    Try Sears. the more you buy, the better the deal. here is the link to a 50 pack for $28. I intend to build a plucker AND a watering system so I will buy the plucker/nipple...
  5. ironjim

    Heartland Hatchery :(

    Don't get too suspicious, but some of us are too busy with life to post on here all the time. As for him being concerned about your chick problems, if I sell thousands of chicks and a couple people have problems with maybe a total of 2 or 3 dozen chicks, should I really go crazy and re-evaluate...
  6. ironjim

    Heartland Hatchery :(

    I've had nothing but success with the chicks from Heartland. We got an awesome Royal Palm turkey from him two years ago. She made the greatest pet, until my son forgot to lock the coop a few days ago and she disappeared. That's how I found this thread, I was Googling Heartland to get his number.
  7. ironjim

    Need help identifying mixed bantams & ducks I got from TSC please!

    I know I'm about a month late responding, but count the toes on the one you think is a polish. If it has 4 toes per foot it is. 5 toes per foot and you have a houdan.
  8. ironjim

    When to start wing clipping?

    I've never clipped my girls wings, and they never fly out of the yard. although I do let a couple of my favorites out in the side yard w/ me,when they've had enough and want back w/ their sisters they will fly back in. Also I do have a run w/ a chainlink roof hooked to the coop. I eventually zip...
  9. ironjim

    I should have been warned!!! New Chicks

    I couldn't wait for chick days at Orscheln's (like tsc) but the guy there just threw chicks in the brooder without looking at them, then wrote the names on a tag.that would work fine if he wasn't mixing them up.When I asked him which were the houdans he didn't know. (easy to tell they have 5...
  10. ironjim

    temp. in my coop

    Thanx for the info.I've already bought the wiring,timer,&lights.That will definately be my weekend project
  11. ironjim

    temp. in my coop

    this is my first year raising chickens.I have 13(rhode reds,barred rocks,black stars,&americaunas).I can't supply enough eggs for the demand!I plan to get 2 or 3 dozenmore by spring.I have a coop that is insulated W/vinyl-faced metal building insulation.My question is,at what temp should I turn...
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