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  1. Missy821

    Chicago Illinois Chicken Ordinance

    Chicago Illinois Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location Yes Max Chickens Allowed unlimited, but only as pets and for eggs Roosters Allowed No Permit Required No Coop Restrictions Must be of a "humane" and adequate size for the animals, also, must be clean and...
  2. Missy821

    Experiment in classical conditioning to make quieter chickens

    Seriously, instead of soundproofing your coop and run, moving your chickens into a garage or under a deck, or talking to your neighbors, you are instead choosing to abuse your birds? I find this appalling, and I cannot believe you think this is some kind of scientific experiment. There are no...
  3. Missy821

    can i give my chicken oranges and mangos

    Thanks for the help! I gave them a few frozen mango pits I'd stored, and they devoured them!
  4. Missy821

    Lincoln Park Chicago Illinois

    Wow, sorry for the delay in replying to your question--I was on the Lincoln Park campus finishing my Masters in English. How goes the adventures in chicken-keeping in Chicago for you?
  5. Missy821

    We have given up expecting them to lay any eggs

    Mine molted and pretty much stopped laying at the beginning of summer, and I didn't see many eggs until this past week. My three hens are older--they're almost two years old now, so I'd figured that they just weren't going to lay regularly anymore, and I'm okay with that (though I sorely miss...
  6. Missy821

    can i give my chicken oranges and mangos

    I know mine like mango peels, but I was wondering if I could give them the pit/hard center bit of the fruit as well? I wouldn't expect that they'd eat the whole thing--in the same way that they leave the rind behind on watermelon slices. I think they'd just pick it clean. Does that sound okay?
  7. Missy821

    Lincoln Park Chicago Illinois

    Lincoln Park! I'm a grad student at DePaul! (Or I will be until this weekend when I finally graduate--whoo!) Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of chicken ownership. I'm on the southside, kind of near Midway.
  8. Missy821

    FREE battery hens, pick-up only

    I think it's absolutely wonderful that you took them in, and if you do end up deciding to split some of them up, PM me. I don't have room for seven, unfortunately, but I'd gladly take two!
  9. Missy821

    Switching from crumble to pellet=starving chickens?

    I think you should mix the two. It doesn't have to be a perfectly even ratio, since the end goal is to transition to pellets. I successfully transitioned from mash to crumbles by mixing them together and slowly increasing the ratio of crumbles until the mash was gone. Plus, according to my avian...
  10. Missy821

    I need advice on getting the 'no poultry in town' law changed

    Hi! Maybe some of the information/resources on this page could help you: One other thing that matters here in Chicago is the no-slaughter rule...
  11. Missy821

    I need suggestions for a lab to choose.

    How frustrating! When you say you've tried medications and things, which medications have you tried? Instead of sending a hen to be dissected, can you take a live one to a vet? Maybe the vet could pinpoint a bacteria/parasite that you can't see by testing a fecal sample/doing a blood test.
  12. Missy821

    How to Transport Live Fish?

    I second SillyChicken! I moved 20 goldfish from Missouri to Chicago in giant ziplocs without losing a single fish!
  13. Missy821

    Disabled Roo- looking for contacts for wheelchair/diapers, etc.

    That's one lucky rooster to have a human so dedicated to caring for him. I knew someone who had a wheelchair of sorts for her tiny dachshund who only had three legs. Maybe try looking up dog wheelchairs and see if you can find one for a teacup poodle or some other tiny breed?
  14. Missy821

    New hens haven't laid yet! Paranoid new hen mom!

    Yay! Someone laid an egg yesterday! At least one my four girls appears to be settling in! Thanks again for the input!
  15. Missy821

    Impossible to Buy A Hen!

    I found a man giving away his entire flock on! I posted an ad there seeking hens of a few specific breeds that were about a year-old, and a man answered who was transitioning to a commercial egg-laying operation and getting rid of his heritage breeds. He simply gave me his eight...
  16. Missy821

    prayers and thoughts for my missing cat - * SAD UPDATE* 1st post

    Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope he comes home soon! I have five indoor-only cats, and I'd be terrified if one was accidentally let outside. This sounds strange, but I've heard one of the things you're supposed to do if a cat gets out is, if you can, empty your vacuum cleaner outside around your house...
  17. Missy821

    New hens haven't laid yet! Paranoid new hen mom!

    I do have a light out there for them, so they are getting between 14-16 hours of light a day (depending on the silly Chicago weather). Thanks for the replies everyone! I'm hopeful that if I just wait, they'll get used to their new home.
  18. Missy821

    Chicago Chicken Laws/Ordinances

    Roosters aren't technically illegal here, but "nuisances" are, per the municipal code--and, unfortunately, in our close city confines, roosters almost always end up irritating neighbors. Pity! I'd love to hatch my own chicks!
  19. Missy821

    New hens haven't laid yet! Paranoid new hen mom!

    I brought four eighteen-month-old Speckled Sussex hens home this weekend, and on the way, someone laid an egg right in the cat carrier! (I took so many pictures, haha!) The next day, we were introducing the hens to their new run, which entailed catching them and placing them in it, as the coop...
  20. Missy821

    quiet chicken breeds?

    I have four speckled sussex hens in Chicago, and I've only had them for a few days, but so far, they mostly make a noise like a dove--a really sweet cooing sound. The drive home took a few hours, which they spent in car carriers, and they clucked a lot then, but now, they only cluck...
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