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  1. S

    Developmental delay?

    Same chook yes.
  2. S

    Developmental delay?

    So update, at 19 weeks, it appears it's a girl! Yay! It's unfortunately a bit mean. She keeps attacking me :( But still no comb or wattles, and no pointy hackle feathers either. Apparently she just doesn't like me at the top of the pecking order :(
  3. S

    Developmental delay?

    I am, feathering suggests a boy when I look up dark barred, didn't realise there was a difference, sorry!
  4. S

    Developmental delay?

    So out of curiosity i checked out lots of the breeders photos, looks like she has both grey and yellow legs, but her hens are really dark, so not sure on the barring pattern of this one.
  5. S

    Developmental delay?

    Ahh, brilliant, thank you!
  6. S

    Barred Rock and Olive Egger

    Are australian lines different perhaps? No cuckoo marans on the property, or any other breed that looks anything like a barred rock..unless it is a genetic throwback a umber of generations previously?
  7. S

    Barred Rock and Olive Egger

    Not sure on the bottom of the feet. I think this one might be a genetic throwback - the breeder doesn't have any of the other similar looking breed, and it's so far behind it's hatch mates (different breeds) feathering and size wise
  8. S

    Barred Rock and Olive Egger

    Better comb shot, phone Co operates. Also lack of wattles...
  9. S

    Barred Rock and Olive Egger

    Ignore the easter egger bit in the title, sigh....
  10. S

    Barred Rock and Olive Egger

    I have posted about my little delayed barred rock chick elsewhere, but hoping I could get advice on gender specifically here. It's 6.5 weeks old. The comb is small and yellow, the legs are grey. I know it's too early for hackle feathers, but I've heard you can early sex these guys. Sorry, I...
  11. S

    Developmental delay?

    As an aside, the word "her" is being used a lot, is this because we think it's a girl, or just habit?
  12. S

    Salmon faverole gender

    Update, faverole is a girl! Yay! Still not sure on the barred rock, i started another thread about that one, it's a bit behind
  13. S

    Developmental delay?

    Everything seems pretty chilled in the run, I've had a good watch, she happily eats and drinks even with the big girls around. She's the blog perching on the log
  14. S

    Developmental delay?

    That is a possibility...and I guess being so small means it might be something the others can't fit in. Although she also has no tail, just a downy fluffy tuft
  15. S

    Developmental delay?

    Oh, definitely not a naked neck, breeder has none. She/he does have down wherever there are no feathers
  16. S

    Developmental delay?

    Thanks for your reply. Definitely see her eat, skin is red down the sides, but white under her neck, no signs of parasites. Hens are in a coop overnight, run during the day, but with escape areas. They only free range supervised, i try for 30 to 60 mins a day. I'll keep a closer eye on her...
  17. S

    Developmental delay?

    The little ones have a protected food source from the hens, and there is definitely no bullying between the chicks, there's only four of them and plenty of food.
  18. S

    Developmental delay?

    It eats well, doesn't seem to be any bullying. I am sitting with them now while they free range, this one's always been a bit fiesty, and loud! They were broody raised, she rejected them a week ago, but this one seems to hold it's own
  19. S

    Developmental delay?

    I have this odd little barred rock chick. Born 31st October, and so few feathers, as well as half the size of his/h er fully feathered hatch mates. Is this normal? I am starting to wonder if I accidentally received a bantam!
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