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  1. Samannemm

    Pale combs, mites, fowl pox???

    No bumps/spots on their bodies, but they definitely are still have a mite infestation - though it looks much improved and I think that will clear up within a couple of weeks now or at least I’m hoping.
  2. Samannemm

    Pale combs, mites, fowl pox???

    I’m nearly certain it’s not frostbite. My black sex link gets frostbite pretty easily and it always appears on the tips of her comb. The black spots on her now are just all over her comb. And they’re raised spots rather than her comb just turning colors like it would with frostbite. Their combs...
  3. Samannemm

    Pale combs, mites, fowl pox???

    Oh and they’re all still laying! I’m getting an average of a total of 4 eggs per day from the 3 of them.
  4. Samannemm

    Pale combs, mites, fowl pox???

    Hey all, I have three hens - 1 polish, 1 red sex link, 1 Black sex link. We’ve been battling a bad case of mites since January on and off. Because it’s still cold here (Illinois) I’ve been using Prozap garden and poultry dust with permethrin. I was able to use a mite spray last week when it...
  5. Samannemm

    Sick baby quail

    Do you have a vet that will see quail near you?
  6. Samannemm


    Oh I thought you said she plucked feathers and took skin off? I wouldn’t intervene if it’s just pecking unless it’s constant and/or drawing blood.
  7. Samannemm


    I don’t know about guineas specifically but if a chicken hen is becoming aggressive with her flock mates it’s best to separate her in a fenced off area in which she can see and hear the others carrying on their days without her. You can use a dog crate as a temporary coop for a couple of nights...
  8. Samannemm

    Chicken just Showed up

    Could be normal, but I would check for mites/lice just to be safe:
  9. Samannemm

    Chicken just Showed up

    She looks like a red sex link to me, which is a hybrid breed of a Rhode Island Red and Delaware hen. They’re good egg layers, but can be a bit dominant with other breeds. Here’s a pic of mine.
  10. Samannemm

    Polish Picking Problems

    My polish always gets picked on. What has made it much easier for her though is giving her a haircut. I would give all of your polish haircuts so they can see what’s coming. A lot of times my polish was getting picked on because she had quite annoying behaviors towards my other hens but it seems...
  11. Samannemm

    Broken wing; Bone sticking out

    I’ve never personally dealt with a broken wing but I would imagine it’s treatable. I would give her some baby aspirin for pain, disinfect the wound area, make a sling for her wing so she doesn’t try to use it, and give her a lot of water and healthy food. I’m sure with time and love she’ll...
  12. Samannemm

    I recently lost my Barred Rock Hen

    So sorry for your loss. Give yourself time and see what feels right in spring.
  13. Samannemm


    You may want to repost here as well if you haven’t already:
  14. Samannemm

    Anyone know, what is wrong with this guinea

    I’m not too familiar with guineas but that looks like frostbite to me. More severe cases of frostbite swell like that and turn black. Have temps been abnormally low by you lately? How is ventilation in your coop? The other thing I know causes swelling is an allergic reaction... @Blooie not sure...
  15. Samannemm

    Hen or roo? Partridge olive Egger from mpc

    I had a cinnamon queen that had a large comb like that. She was one of my favorites and was definitely “the boss” of the group. I’ll go with hen:)
  16. Samannemm

    My chicken can't walk

    Could be bumblefoot or leg mites depending on if there are other symptoms present. More on bumblefoot:
  17. Samannemm

    Red bits in poo Here’s a previous thread where poop was abnormal and treated.
  18. Samannemm

    Red bits in poo

    I’m newer to chicken keeping so anything I say is from my own research, not experience; however, I think that I’ve read chickens shed the lining of their intenstine and that is what the red/pink in their poop can be from. It’s completely normal; however, if there is a large amount of red found...
  19. Samannemm

    Boredom Busters in Polar Vortex

    I think someone already started a thread like this, but I couldn’t find it! Anyway, I have 3 hens (after a predator attack a few weeks ago took out my other hens) one black star, one red star, and one polish. I used to have two polish that would be picked on, but there were two of them and it...
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