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  1. M

    I need to cull her right?

    😔 My husband just took her outside to shoot her. Thanks for reassuring that we are doing the right thing. So tough.
  2. M

    I need to cull her right?

    pancakes was hatched on Tuesday. Seemed good at first. Waked a bit funny at first. After a few days I thought how come she isn’t eating. She would go out of the cave to the food and water with the others and then just cheep loudly. Realized she wasn’t eating or drinking. So I started hand...
  3. M

    Unhealed/unabsorbed yolk?

    Got him cleaned up and put some cream on it. He was NOT a fan, very hard to keep a hold of him. It actually had a big chunk of eggshell stuck in that goo. Got that out and it just seems to be a meaty string hanging out, much like the cord. I wasn’t able to get him to eat as he was way more...
  4. M

    Unhealed/unabsorbed yolk?

    Ok so this chick is FIESTY! Just got home and I took out his buddy and put him in with the others. Well gooey butt lost his mind. Went back and got him, put him in a little box to check the rest of the unhatched eggs. Rest were not viable. While I’m candling them he manages to jump out of the...
  5. M

    Assisting without an internal pip...

    Sorry, I’ve only hatched a couples batches through the incubator and I don’t follow the hatching forum per se, but bra hatching? Is this a real thing?
  6. M

    Unhealed/unabsorbed yolk?

    Oh, and he is totally lively. If it weren’t for his gooey butt you would think he’s totally healthy.
  7. M

    Unhealed/unabsorbed yolk?

    And sorry, yes he’s still in the incubator not brooder 🤦‍♀️ I just keep taking the older ones out and leaving the freshest with him for a buddy.
  8. M

    Unhealed/unabsorbed yolk?

    I just rant home for lunch and to check on the little cheepers. It looks like all that had pipped had hatched so I grabbed him out to take a closer look. When I first picked him up there was no bulge, just a reddish yellowish goo. I offered him some yolk and water and he ate and drank a couple...
  9. M

    Unhealed/unabsorbed yolk?

    He’s still in the *bator and another hatched just an hour or so ago so I will leave them together until atleast tomorrow. Still have two more pipped. But man it stinks in there since gooey butt hatched. Is there anything I should be putting on it or just let it heal? There is so much all over...
  10. M

    Unhealed/unabsorbed yolk?

    Had our fourth chick hatch out this morning and immediately noticed yolk and blood smeared all over the incubator. I’m not sure if one of the other chicks stomped on it before it had time to absorb or exactly what happened. It had quite a mound of blood and goo stuck to its butt. Anyway it was...
  11. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    It’s crazy how different these two chicks are. He said his hens are all ISA browns and his rooster is gold Wyandotte x Cochin. The yellow one has feathering on his legs and the dark one has no leg feathering and his whole head seems a different shape. Gah, chickens are so addicting! I want all...
  12. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    Update - they are doing so well, even the brown one. She has adopted them completely and the brown one can make it around the kennel, but still wobbly and falls. They are both meandering over to the food and water then running back to broody and burying under for warmth. I bought chicken wire...
  13. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    Yes, I had put an electrolyte in the water already. I had some left from my 6 spring chicks we brooded this year. The food and water was within reach for them I was just concerned about her not letting them back under to keep warm. Especially since our daytime highs have been only 10*C.
  14. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    So she seems better with yellow one (my son named him coffee cup) but it’s a lot more spunky. Runs and jumps on her before she can even peck him. The brown one seems to have trouble walking, maybe balance related? Maybe he has sspraddle leg? But both are eating and drinking but I have to go down...
  15. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    So I moved her. She no longer likes me and my shenanigans pecked at my hands a lot, but very gentle pecks. I brought the chicks to the water and food then pushed them towards her as I couldn’t sneak in the back, I had to crawl in there. The yellow ran to her and she pecked it. She pecked them...
  16. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    Ok, chick transfer complete. She seems to have accepted them despite my lack of stealth. As soon as I opened the nest box lid she heard the peeping and was very interested. I snuck the lethargic one in first and she covered it with her wing and settled right down. Then I tried to “sneak” the...
  17. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    Yes she is back on the eggs but still in the nest box. We were going to move her when I discovered her slacking off in the dust bath. I decided it best to leave her where she has been brooding. Then tomorrow if she has accepted them I will move her. Oh, and he said they were hatched yesterday.
  18. M

    Broody with no babies, what to do with her?

    I’m snuggling with them while watching tv tonight until my hens are are all in bed. I think I’m going to give it a go. I thought about sending the yellow out tonight and monitoring the smaller one in the brooder but it would probably do better with a buddy. They are both snuggled in a toasty...
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