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  1. kwhitlow

    Free Range, Roosterless, and Aerial Predators

    i also didn't want a rooster because of the noise. But i bought a black and silver Wyandotte "hen " about 12 weeks old we named "her" Lola. after a couple of months i thought she looked different - she was getting BIG and ran like a T Rex. i also noticed little buds on "her" legs. Then one...
  2. kwhitlow

    raising white pekin ducks

    i live on a 40 acre lake with about 36 houses around the lake. i have muscovey ducks and canadian geese come up in the yard-i have 11 chicken that free range during the day. As a 13 year old i had 1 white pekin duck that laid the best tasting egg ever. i kept her with the other chickens i had...
  3. kwhitlow

    how long can eggs be in a nest and still be good to eat?

    i brought three laying wyandotte hens home about two weeks ago. the first day one of them laid an egg. then nothing untill yesterday when i found a dozen eggs in the monkey grass. i knew that by letting them roam the back yard they might find their own place to go but i some how didn't see...
  4. kwhitlow

    hens eating all day sitting on eggs all night

    I just bought 4 marans of which one -no two - no all four wanted to sit on the same 6 eggs in the same nest. my daughter took two of them and the two that are left sit on the eggs at night but wlk around being chickens during the 95 degree days. at night they both go back in the same nest. I...
  5. kwhitlow

    do hens need roosters to produce eggs

    I want to have some RIR hens in my back yard for eggs and i have neighbors that might object to a big red alarm clock going off early in the morning-the rooster. will the hens lay with or without the rooster? Also years ago i raised 26 RIR 13 were hens 13 were roosters and two weeks before the...
  6. kwhitlow

    do hens need roosters to produce eggs

    I want to have some RIR hens in my back yard for eggs and i have neighbors that might object to a big red alarm clock going off early in the morning-the rooster. will the hens lay with or without the rooster? Also years ago i raised 26 RIR 13 were hens 13 were roosters and two weeks before the...
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