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  1. Nwygle93

    Chicks with a broken leg??

    That’s great! Did it end up having a slipped tendon u think?
  2. Nwygle93

    Auction rescue, does she stand a chance?

    Very good suggestion, I didn’t even think to check for a thorn or something. But no I looked and her legs and feet look really good. She’s up and about a bit more today since the electrolytes and I also gave them some digestion support drops in there too. I’m gonna get some B tablets tonight..I...
  3. Nwygle93

    Auction rescue, does she stand a chance?

    Really? That’s interesting. I’m not far from Columbus. I’d rather her live tho of course and since I have 20 of my own I’d rather them not catch something lol. Course they are separate but I still worry. I don’t suppose there is a cure for merricks..least not that I had seen? I thought about...
  4. Nwygle93

    Auction rescue, does she stand a chance?

    Unfortunately they didn’t. They are all laying tho. She may have even laid an egg this morning. They don’t look too old 😥
  5. Nwygle93

    Chicks with a broken leg??

    Starmarr how did ur chick turn out? I had to put mine down because the areas On his legs became so raw and bloody from trying to get around..he was miserable
  6. Nwygle93

    Auction rescue, does she stand a chance?

    Hey all peeps, I rescued a few hens from an auction yesterday..I shouldn’t have paid as much as I did but I seen something was wrong and my heart hurt. One of the hens is worse than the other. She lays around a lot and sometimes lays on her side. I have noticed some toe curling. Her legs have...
  7. Nwygle93

    Chicks with a broken leg??

    I seen somewhere else on here that somebody gave their chicks aspirin but I have no idea how they did that lol. I left soft music on for my ‘sick bay’ chicks and they just kinda chilled out lol
  8. Nwygle93

    Chicks with a broken leg??

    Sorry Starrmarr! I don’t mean to butt in, but I was literally about to post the same question (your chick looks like the EXACT same way mine did when she was that age) and since all the experts are already on this post 😁 can you look at mine too? She’s almost a month old..I don’t know if she’s...
  9. Nwygle93

    AGGRESSIVE GUINEAS (bonus turkey question)

    UGH! I hate raccoons!! They are cute as babies but they turn into cold blooded killers. 😡
  10. Nwygle93

    Prolapse in pullet

    Goodness, they are such tough animals. I might humanize them too much but I can’t help it lol I’m also the one that cringes if I pick up an unusually large egg lol
  11. Nwygle93

    Prolapse in pullet

    I’ve never heard of this! I’m commenting so I can see the answers in case I run into this one day 😦 I know you will get lots of good advice. Good luck! I’m sure that is uncomfortable!
  12. Nwygle93

    AGGRESSIVE GUINEAS (bonus turkey question)

    I am in the same boat. I had 8 guineas in December and lost a few. Was down to 6 at the start of this week and a coyote came along and had been picking them off till now I’m down to 3 females. Luckily my husband seen her picking around the coop yesterday afternoon (yes! Afternoon! Brave coyote)...
  13. Nwygle93

    Has anyone had faults in this incubator? Hatching tomorrow! Worried!!

    They are doing ok except 3 had splayed legs and I actually ended up losing one despite banding it. The other two don’t have splayed legs but they hop around on one foot 😪 the other ones are very happen and fast lol
  14. Nwygle93

    Has anyone had faults in this incubator? Hatching tomorrow! Worried!!

    UThobby good I’m glad I’m not the Only one who has a little bit of trouble with their gauges on this unit. It’s done a good job so far, but I was hoping to be a little more on point with either one or the other gauge so that in the future I know if I’m doing things right LOL. I also have the...
  15. Nwygle93

    Has anyone had faults in this incubator? Hatching tomorrow! Worried!!

    I will if they survive lol they are peeping up a storm today lol. Thank you 😊
  16. Nwygle93

    Has anyone had faults in this incubator? Hatching tomorrow! Worried!!

    I’m hoping :D I just would feel like a monster if I didn’t provide them the correct environment to hatch proper. I’m almost wondering if the Inkwell will be reliable for temp only and the incubator for hygrometer only. I don’t know. I’m not sure how to test out a hygrometer for accuracy
  17. Nwygle93

    Has anyone had faults in this incubator? Hatching tomorrow! Worried!!

    I’m right there with you! I overthink… And the more I read about it last night, the more concerned I got because I don’t want them to Pip only to drown from too much humidity or not be able to crack open the egg because it’s not humid enough. And I have to admit with all this virus stuff going...
  18. Nwygle93

    Has anyone had faults in this incubator? Hatching tomorrow! Worried!!

    Hi everyone. This is the first time I’ve ever hatched out my own barnyard eggs and I’m very worried. During this whole time the incubator has proven to be quite unreliable with temperature and humidity when I compare it to my internal thermometer and hygrometer. I’ve been wrestling with it… And...
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