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  1. kwj777

    Have a good banana bread recipe?

    To the chickenchick... I made your recipe yesterday and it's delicious! I plan to try some of these other recipes too! Thanks all for the posts!!
  2. kwj777


    Quote: I have to agree as sad as this is.... no one is happy if mom doesn't sleep. We are both very busy and its really tough on both if he snores all night. I'm up from the snoring and he is up from me waking him up to stop. So... he sleeps in a different room and sometimes I still hear...
  3. kwj777

    I am NOT a bad mom.

    I agree with walking away and not staying there to let things escalate, but how about the car? Isn't it the worse when they are sitting in the front seat and they get mad or disrespectful and you have to try and drive and the air is so tense you wish you could just hit eject??? I stopped the...
  4. kwj777

    I am NOT a bad mom.

    Aaahh.. I needed to hear from you all. I go through the same thing with my 14yr old. I asked my husband if it sounded normal to love someone with all your heart and just not like the person they are at the moment. Too cool for everyone and the only mistreated child in the universe from her...
  5. kwj777

    Have a good banana bread recipe?

    Thank you for the responses! I will be baking this afternoon!
  6. kwj777

    Have a good banana bread recipe?

    I have tried several BBread recipes and they all come out dry and not very tasty. I have had other peoples (and never got their recipe) and somehow its so dense and moist it doesn't even need butter. I 've tried cooking less time etc and still never quite good. Anyone have a really great...
  7. kwj777

    week old chick died

    So much can happen to those little ones. I lost one to the "chick" waterer. My favorite little runt. Fell in and drowned in that tiny amount of water. Lost one other to "pasting up". Had never heard of it, and when the chick began acting listless I had no idea I should scrape the dried...
  8. kwj777

    Addictive...are you kidding?

    I laughed when I first signed in to ask a question about my sick chicken. I read the homepage with the warning..."beware BYC can be very addicting" or something to that effect. I thought not for me, I am too full time, homeschool my kids, run a farm, raising a husband. But here I...
  9. kwj777

    does anyone feel like their losing their mind?

    Quote: Not mine...found them all in the washer. It had a secret compartment under the door (its a front loader). Found a bunch in there!
  10. kwj777

    Funniest BYC'er quotes: Post Yours!

    Don't go to bed angry....stay up all night and plot your revenge!
  11. kwj777

    Hello from minnesota

    Hello and welcome from another Minnesotan!
  12. kwj777

    Homeschool families?

    Just wanted to add for the people wondering if this is possible when you have a job..yes!! I work 40 hrs a week from home, and still have time to fit homeschooling the two boys in, as well as driving my daughter to and from school each day 30miles one way. And I must say it is so encouraging...
  13. kwj777

    Homeschool families?

    I wanted to start this very same topic...glad you did! I have been homeschooling for 3yrs. My daughter for 6th - 7th and now my two boys for 2nd and 4th grade. To the person above (not sure how to enter text from others, I'm a newbie to forums) that wasn't sure how the child would adjust...
  14. kwj777

    Duramycin - 10 and laying hens

    I had a rooster die of an upper respiratory problem and as a precaution I started the whole flock on Duramycin-10. The label says not for hens laying eggs intended for human consumption. So I went online to find out more and looked at some of the talk on this forum, but I feel even more...
  15. kwj777

    Coffee's ready...

    Working from home this morning. Already had one cup of coffee, ready for another! Chilly 38 and cloudy here in Central Minnesota.
  16. kwj777

    Static Electricity...uggg

    That figures...Ok, well where else can I move?
  17. kwj777

    Hello from Athens, GA

    Welcome from Minnesota! Land of 10,000 frozen lakes!
  18. kwj777

    Hi from Alberta Canada

    Welcome from Minnesota! I have 3 kids at home...two being homeschooled this year. Second and fourth grade. I am also new to forums, and this seems to be a good place to get started. Everyone is helpful and friendly!
  19. kwj777

    Is she dying? - UPDATE ... She Passed On

    Does she have poo crusted to her back side? If so, pick it off! This sounds like a chick I had and I lost her because I didn't know about this problem they can have I think they call it pasting up?.
  20. kwj777

    Static Electricity...uggg

    Static, chapped lips, dry skin... I think the answer is moving to Florida! No dry air in the tropical state! Any one have a farm and want to swap for one in Minnesota?? I think my little lab puppy is confused... every time I go to pet her I shock her nose!
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