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  1. M

    Chick healthy but not growing?

    They were purchased. I received 7 Buff Orpingtons, same hatch date. The picture shows the biggest and the smallest. The other 4 are all about the same size, half the size of the big one, but much bigger than my tiny chick. I was looking at the pics of the group at about 4 days old and they...
  2. M

    Chick healthy but not growing?

    How is your tiny chick doing now, 6 weeks later? I have a tiny 3 1/2 week old that is barely starting to feather, still all fuzz. Very active, eats and drinks well and stays busy all day. Picture shows her along side another chick from same hatch date.
  3. M

    anyone have cinnamon queens when do they start laying

    Our 4 Cinnamon Queen started laying at 22 weeks. Averaged 2 eggs day for about a week, but this past week we are getting 4 eggs day at 24 weeks. Some eggs are still small, few large and have been gifted with several double yolk.
  4. M

    About to take the leap!

    No pictures yet. Decided that the options available to me today at the three locations we checked out were not what we are looking for, so although I really wanted to bring home some of the cuties we did see, I did not. Hard choice to make, but cute won't fill my egg boxes. We have checked...
  5. M

    About to take the leap!

    Thank you for all the "Welcome's". I will check out the ToW. Have not ventured there yet.
  6. M

    About to take the leap!

    Sorry, slow to respond.....still trying to figure out how to get around and follow here. Was lost in the MHP thread...again.....! I laughed about the "M CRV Deb" because it is actually an old sign on from a couple years ago. MC = Motorcycle and RV = RV, both alternate passions of mine. I have...
  7. M

    About to take the leap!

    Ha!!! I have TWO CRV's!! Your are absolutely right, they are the best, if you are always cold like I am. I guess I know everything need to spend the night reading endless conversations about raising chickens. (Joking.....I am having a blast! Had no idea chickens could be so...
  8. M

    About to take the leap!

    You have a very good point there! Guess we're going thru new baby panic at the moment. I figured I would get good advice here.
  9. M

    About to take the leap!

    New to raising chickens, have been absorbing hours and hours of information on this forum. Everything is ready: coop, bedding, heating pad, water source, food is fermenting and we are excited! Then I realized I have no idea how to get our new chicks home from the feed store where we are...
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