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  1. KaterCheek

    Is wet food bad for chickens?

    So glad to hear about this! The bin got rain in it, and I thought I'd have to throw that food away. P.S. Our rabbit likes to eat the chicken food too.
  2. KaterCheek

    What age do chickens lay??

    Most of mine lay at 4-6 months, but they don't lay at all in the summer, so if their maturity time hits the hot months, it will get delayed until it cools off.
  3. KaterCheek

    Help! Chickens roosting on Wood Shed!

    My hen does this too. All the other hens roost inside the henhouse, she likes to be on top. She has to fly THROUGH a thick thorny tree to get there. I tried putting her inside, but finally just let her be. She's not bothering anyone there and we don't have any predators to bother her.
  4. KaterCheek

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  5. KaterCheek

    Chicks won't go into henhouse on their own.

    I had the same problem. For a while, I was shoving them in, and that worked for a time, but the youngest hens STILL would rather sleep outside, even though there's now ample room inside the henhouse.
  6. KaterCheek

    What am I dealing with??

    Sounds like raccoons to me. Would it be too expensive to borrow a night-vision camera and find out for sure? Maybe put out powder or mud and see if you can get prints? So sorry for your loss!
  7. KaterCheek

    SO mad! Darn Neighbor's Cats!

    If you have birds, predators are always going to be a problem. It's your yard and your property as far as other humans are concerned, but those walls are going to be ignored by the feral cats, dogs, hawks, coyotes, foxes, raccoons or owls who notice you have food wandering around. If you catch...
  8. KaterCheek

    Do chickens like grass?

    I killed my lawn (hate lawns, they don't belong in the desert) but when I have grass growing as weeds, sometimes I pull clumps for them to eat. I hold the clump still and they pluck bits off the end. It's best to wear gloves, because sometimes they get a little too close to my hands, and those...
  9. KaterCheek

    Got my babies today! 5.5 week pics pg 4 (dial up warning!)

    Oh those chicks are so cute! I love how you managed to get the picture in that brief window between a clean cage and hopelessly soiled. Now I want to get some chicks of my own (but I can't as I already have the max # of hens allowed by my city. )
  10. KaterCheek

    Plucking, or Sour Crop?

    My hen, Bella, has a bald spot on her belly, close to her feet. I thought she was just plucking due to stress, and thought it might be because of the heat, but it's cooled off now and her spot looks as bad as ever. She's molting a little, but this has been going on for several weeks and doesn't...
  11. KaterCheek

    What do you use as bedding in your coop?

    I'm trying to picture cleaning up poop out of one giant litter box. It makes me shudder. You guys must have small coops. My henhouse (where they sleep) is 4' x 4'. The coop/run area (where they spend the day) is about 10' by 15'. Raking poop out of that much sand would drive me...
  12. KaterCheek

    Theoretical Coop (w/ pics)

    It looks pretty good to me.
  13. KaterCheek

    12 against 1

    The poor thing. Are they crowded? Is 13 hens more than you usually have? If they're crowded, then removing her won't likely ease the situation--they'll just find someone else to pick on. Seems like the easy solution is to find someone with only one or two very gentle hens and ask them to take...
  14. KaterCheek


    They sell compressed pine sawdust for use in horse stalls. I tried to use it as cat litter. It's no good for cat litter, but it's fairly cheap and is good at absorbing waste and smells.
  15. KaterCheek

    Why no eggs??

    I have an Easter Egger who stopped laying. At least, I stopped finding her eggs. What I think is happening is that she is flying or otherwise escaping from the coop, hiding her eggs in the garden, then going back in. It sounds crazy, but last year I had a hen that did that exact thing! We...
  16. KaterCheek

    My Ameraucana hen is laying tan eggs instead of blue-green

    I read somewhere that you can tell what color their eggs will be by the color of their ears. In my experience, this appears to be true. The ones I have look like sparrows as chicks, and are either yellowish (with cheek ruffs) reddish (with cheek ruffs) or black and gold. The yellow and red...
  17. KaterCheek

    Chicken Comic

    Thanks! I started the comic as an experiment a year ago, and since the one year anniversary is up, I decided to keep going.
  18. KaterCheek

    Hello from Arizona

    Quote: I wasn't sure how the rabbit and hens would get along at first. It works great. He needs company, and can't be with other rabbits because he's not neutered. They've been living together for four years, and have had no issues. It's a plenty-large coop, maybe 200 square feet...
  19. KaterCheek

    Chicken Comic

    Thanks Chookens! I figure if anyone will get the inside chicken humor, the people here will.
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