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  1. B

    Pullets or cockerel

    They all my favorites 😂 I sent email to my coworker. We work for a school so hopefully he checks email during the summer. I raised meat birds too, so I can get it in my head to not get too attached. But he gonna be good looking
  2. B

    Pullets or cockerel

    That’s what I’m thinking. A coworker has chickens, im going to reach out to him Thank you for the fast replies!
  3. B

    OE Pullet or Cockerel

    Just wanted to say those are some good looking chicks!
  4. B

    Pullets or cockerel

    That is what I was afraid of. Gonna have to do some talking with my husband. Not sure I want any roosters for 1 and technically I’m not supposed to have any where I am. Naughty enough I have more than I’m ‘supposed’ to. 🤫
  5. B

    Pullets or cockerel

    Oh! Forgot to add breed. The hatchery said 2 production red and 1 white rock
  6. B

    Pullets or cockerel

    So I’m still not sure if I have all pullets or if one is a cockerel I heard back from the hatchery on the breed but they didn’t reply from any of my messages about Male or female. I’ve read you can tell by the vent but I’ve also read that age may make harder to tell 🤷‍♀️ Hatch date May 21. 3...
  7. B

    Pullets? Roos? What breeds?

    I’m worried the one is a roo. I can’t have any Roos!
  8. B

    Pullets? Roos? What breeds?

    No and the teacher is on vacation or something cause hasn’t answered my text
  9. B

    Pullets? Roos? What breeds?

    I work at a middle school and the 5th grade science class hatched some eggs. The teacher emailed me after school had let out and said that I could have the chicks. In the photos they are about 4 weeks old. Hatch date May 21. There are 3 chicks. The teacher has no idea the breeds and I am...
  10. B

    Pullet or cockerel

    I got all these babies about 9 weeks ago. My 2 Smokey pearls have me questioning if the one is a pallet or not. The tail sure reminds me of a rooster. I have never had a rooster so could totally be wrong. I did post on a chicken fb page from my area and so far 2 people have comment that I have...
  11. B

    Acting strange

    I just saw your reply. I found her when I got home from work. She did not make it. I still have no idea what had happened. She had not been acting strange at all. Had been eating and running around and drinking. Just didn’t go to the coop before sunset 1 night and passed the next day
  12. B

    Acting strange

    1 of my 3 year old EE stayed out after dark, I got home within 30-45 min after the sun went down and went straight to coop. Realized one was missing. Found her sleeping under a Bush so put her in the coop on the roosting bar. This am she was sleeping standing up while all others were down and...
  13. B

    Littles and bigs

    No injuries as of yet, usually any peck I’ve seen has been a quick peck. Some of the bigs watch the littles and look as though they want to peck the heck out of them. When they are together I do try and spend a lot of time out with them to stop those behaviors
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    Littles and bigs

    Oh, and food dishes. Forgot that. There are 3 bigger food bowls in the run for the bigs and 2 waterers. Inside the chick crate there is 1 long food dish and 1 water.
  15. B

    Littles and bigs

    The run is like 15x18 or something like that. The coop is probably about the same. During the day the littles are in a wire kennel inside the run because the run door is open.outside of the run is a ‘fenced in yard’ for the chickens that goes around the garden (fenced to keep chickens out during...
  16. B

    Littles and bigs

    My littles are just over 10 weeks old. I now have their brooder inside the coop. At first brooder was in the garage then I moved it to the coop/shed. (We built a wall inside the coop so part of it is a coop and part is a shed. The wall has chicken wire for more air flow) after a couple weeks I...
  17. B

    Brooder temp

    Awesome. Thank you!
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