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  1. Moberlychicks

    Free Silkie Cockerels Need a Great Home- Dallas

    Hi! I guess it would depend on the location. We live in East Dallas.
  2. Moberlychicks

    Free Silkie Cockerels Need a Great Home- Dallas

    Hi- We have 2 beautiful boys who need a loving home. The blue is named Dragon and the black is Cesar. They are both gorgeous and Cesar is like a teddy bear. He will sit in your lap and snuggle. Willing to bring them to you. Thank you!
  3. Moberlychicks

    Silkie Cockerels Need a Great Home

    Hello, We have 2 beautiful boys that need a loving home. Dragon is the blue silkie and Ceasar is the black silkie. We live in East Dallas and cannot have them. It breaks my heart. Ceasar is so sweet and likes to cuddle. Dragon is definitely the alpha. Please, message if you can help.
  4. Moberlychicks

    Injured buff- need advice!

    Hello, on Sunday, my husband and I saw blood on one of our buffs, Pennie (3/12 months old). We have a bully of a barred rock hen who has always picked on her. It went too far this time. The first picture is day 1 and the following are how it looks right now. Upon notice of the injury- we...
  5. Moberlychicks

    Got our very 1st egg!

    Got our very 1st egg!
  6. Moberlychicks

    First Egg!!!

    Awesome!!! I got my first egg, tonight!
  7. Moberlychicks

    Pasty butt

    Hi all! Thank you for the responses. Yesterday, her vent was totally closed. I took q tips with warm water and finally got it all clean. I did not use any oil. Today, less bad but not normal. I added Vaseline after her cleaning. I’ll keep checking her and lower the temp. She’s super...
  8. Moberlychicks

    Pasty butt

    Hi all, We have a six-day old mille fleur d'uccle, the cutest chick I have ever seen. However, she has had 2 serious pasty butt experiences (we brought her home yesterday). Any advice, remedies, help would be much appreciated!
  9. Moberlychicks

    New here

    1.) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We got our first three ladies the week of Thanksgiving 2017. So, yes still very new to chickens. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 (3) What breeds do you have? 2- Plymouth rocks 2-Buff orpingtons 1-...
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