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  1. dpingtrich352

    Identify duck???

    They are and I love them and I love to watch them. I am actually incubating 9 nine now so I’m excited to watch them hatch!
  2. dpingtrich352

    Identify duck???

    Wouldn’t he have the curled tail feathers?? That one does chase after some of the females too...
  3. dpingtrich352

    Identify duck???

  4. dpingtrich352

    Identify duck???

    I thought this one was a male Khaki Campbell
  5. dpingtrich352

    Identify duck???

    He/She has many friends....44 more to be exact lol
  6. dpingtrich352

    Identify duck???

    Can anyone tell me what type of duck this is? At first we thought she was a Khaki Campbell but she doesn’t look like the others.
  7. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    We were told that if the egg floats and bobs then it’s a fertile egg, is that true??
  8. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    Can anyone tell me what could be wrong with this egg? The she’ll was really soft.
  9. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    Thank you!!!
  10. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    Should I leave them out at room temperature of my house or should I put them in the fridge?
  11. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    We bought an incubator and we placed some eggs in there on Monday so I guess I should just wait? Can we add new eggs in there daily?
  12. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    How do we tell if they are fertile eggs, we are wanting to try and hatch some.
  13. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    Will they stay on the eggs to hatch if I don’t pick them up?
  14. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    Three of the eggs was in their duck house on the pond in some straw. Will all of these ducks lay eggs daily?
  15. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    Our eggs are not very big if that would help to identify them.
  16. dpingtrich352

    Duck eggs

    Can someone tell me what type of duck eggs these are?? We have pekins, mallards, Cayugas, Blue swedish, and Khaki Campbell.
  17. dpingtrich352

    Will a wild mallard join our flock of ducks??

    We now have 45 ducks... We have a little bit of everything it seems like lol
  18. dpingtrich352

    Will a wild mallard join our flock of ducks??

    We only have 2 male mallards and she now makes the 5th female mallard.
  19. dpingtrich352

    Will a wild mallard join our flock of ducks??

    She never comes out of the pond when we feed all the other ducks, she doesn’t come any where near us at all.
  20. dpingtrich352

    Will a wild mallard join our flock of ducks??

    We gained an extra female mallard, would a wild one just come and join our flock?
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