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  1. Stephluv304

    Very old chicken with mites

    My mother in law has a very old 10 to 14 years old chicken she is being kept inside cus she is having trouble walking an has to b hand fed but she has mites/lice not sure of proper term they are bad around her eyes any at home remedies until I can get out and get proper meds
  2. Stephluv304

    Egg questions

    I dont necessarily wanna hatch ducklings cus idk how many we can fit i just want a few more girls cus we only have one with three males an its just to much on her i may look into online ordering to make sure. I get girls for sure
  3. Stephluv304

    Egg questions

    We watched her all mornin an only the boys payed a bit of attention to them so when its yard time we are gonna take ur advice an take em out thank u for all the advice
  4. Stephluv304

    Egg questions

    @Miss Lydia we r up to 15 she still isnt sitting on them but she did get up set we move em to clean out the straw in the pen
  5. Stephluv304

    Egg questions

    Yes this is her first time and she is very young we tryd to keep it from happing but u cant stop nature lol
  6. Stephluv304

    Egg questions

    Miss lydia nice to see u do u know if her not sitting on them is normal or the delay between eggs is normal or not
  7. Stephluv304

    Egg questions

    First let me say sorry i have been mia so long backyard fam. Life has been crazy hetic busy. Hope everyone is well. But my question is my female pekin has laid 3 eggs over the period of 4 days they r small and she isnt sitting on them is this normal for the delay between egg for her not sitting...
  8. Stephluv304

    Raised head feathers

    Another thing I noticed if it's just me an him he don't do it but if it me him an my boyfriend he does it I said maybe he is tryna protect my bf from me lol
  9. Stephluv304

    Raised head feathers

    So my boyfriend insist I ask he would like to know why our male Peking raises his head feathers and Bob's his head at me when I'm holding him or just talking to him. I think it is super funny it's like he has a lol ducky Mohawk. My bf has been on Google for the last hour with out a clear answer...
  10. Stephluv304

    Questions from a owner of a angry duck?

    I get him the ones that r like original plain a extra dollar a bag lol but I throw em in the tub with him so i think that helps the salt but I eat an with him I don't think they have salt now u got me look in for my glasses to read the label lol
  11. Stephluv304

    Questions from a owner of a angry duck?

    We have friends but they are younger like a lot younger still don't know there gender he seems a lil calmer after two baths an all the goldfish crackers a duck could want but he still ain't my same lil baby man he was be I left
  12. Stephluv304

    Questions from a owner of a angry duck?

    So most of u may have seen or heard about Quakers. Well this past week in ahalf i have been away do to working 3 people's so I been staying at my job well today my x dropped him off to me at work so he acts so different mainly he is extremely aggressive to me but he wants me to let him lay on my...
  13. Stephluv304

    Pekin Duck Club!

    My handsome Quakers And the new babies pip squeak and peep
  14. Stephluv304

    Random question

    Thanks for everyone's input I had this huge theory he wouldn't go to sleep laying down till dry I'm crazy when it come to him
  15. Stephluv304

    Random question

    First please pardon all my 100 questions im always asking I'm a first timer but is it normal for a duck to stand up an tuck his head and sleep this is the first time I have ever seen it kinda random but just curious
  16. Stephluv304

    You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

    They wasn't having any parts of it they even said he is for food not a pet :mad:
  17. Stephluv304

    You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

    Not a chicken but a duck but when ur company puts up a no pet policies cus you got caught bringing your duck to work multiple times:oops:
  18. Stephluv304

    Panting pekin???

    @Miss Lydia It is cold where the current is but the spot we go the water stands still if that makes sense so it's not to bad nice enough I put my feet in or get in to chase the babies back home but Quakers don't get in it he has also been being more aggressive towards me like if I stop petting...
  19. Stephluv304

    Panting pekin???

    He seems to b better this morning last night was a rough night with his tantrums but I just ignored him an I have had him out having mommy ducky time all morning an haven't had a issue yet today we will see what happens after our creek trip
  20. Stephluv304

    Panting pekin???

    So i took Quakers about 8 weeks old and the babies to the creek when we got back I put then in to there designated areas and let them chill well Quakers being the brat he is manage to throw a fit till I got him out we was Laying on the bed and he kept trying to climb on me (not unusual) when I...
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