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  1. luckychickmom

    Special chick...please be a pullet! *New Pics!*

    I kind-of forgot about this post, but am glad to have it come around again. Guess I should have thought to post an update! Lucky is definitely a SHE! She is now almost 15 weeks old, and has the best personality. She would rather hang out with the people in her family than with her fellow...
  2. luckychickmom

    Help with Sexing of Silver Laced Wyndottes

    Quote: I've really felt that they are both pullets, but like you, "what do I know?" Good luck with your roo-heavy batch! Keep us updated!
  3. luckychickmom

    Help with Sexing of Silver Laced Wyndottes

    The GLW does have a single comb. All of my chicks were sexed as pullets, so maybe that 10% margin of error is in effect with the SLW! My son will be upset if "she" is a "he". He has claimed her for his own! Thanks for offering to post pics. I know they will help several of us out there...
  4. luckychickmom

    Help with Sexing of Silver Laced Wyndottes

    Katy, my SLW is now 7 weeks, and "she" is a hatchery bird. What do you think? What do you think about my GLW? Pullet or roo?
  5. luckychickmom

    Help with Sexing of Silver Laced Wyndottes

    Quote: Because of the redness and size of their combs and wattles. I raise three varieties of wyandottes and the pullets do not get any red like yours have in their combs until they are several months old. Every once in a while I'll have a late blooming roo that fools me for a while, but...
  6. luckychickmom

    question about feather development and gender

    Quote: Just goes to show that despite all of our "rules" regarding chick development, they still have their curveballs!
  7. luckychickmom

    question about feather development and gender

    I have read that Wyandottes are slower to feather than most breeds. I did the research because I had the same question that you do. Don't give up hope yet!!
  8. luckychickmom

    Help ID'ing Chicks from TSC

    Quote: x2! Numbers 2 and 3 might be dominiques.
  9. luckychickmom

    Gender Identity Crisis at 7 Weeks **LOTS 'O PIX**

    I have read plenty about wyandottes in particular pinking-up earlier than other breeds, even the pullets. I'm not sure that based on what I have read, I would make the judgement call quite yet!
  10. luckychickmom

    While we're on black chicks.

    Tail length/fullness isn't a good way to determine sex and/or age of chicks. The "rule" regarding feathering just doesn't always apply!
  11. luckychickmom

    is this 6 1/2 week rhode island red a rooster

    I don't have a lot of experience, but I have a 7 wk. old RIR who does not have the large red comb and wattles that yours does. I'm guessing that yours is a roo!
  12. luckychickmom

    does building a coop result in spousal arguements?

    My husband and I live in a 95 year old historic home, which has required lots of work, and we have been married for almost 14 years. For some reason, however, the chicken coop has just about put us over the edge! The coop is 95% done at this point, and I am thankful...the last month has been...
  13. luckychickmom

    Hawk, My 7 week old EE chick, pullet or cockeral? (Refresh if too big)

    I'm going with pullet, as well. But, what really impresses me (other than the beautiful chick!) is your camera! Great quality pics. What are you photographing with? (Feel free to ignore this, as it is TOTALLY off topic!)
  14. luckychickmom

    Need a giggle??

    Not even sure how to react to this one! Wonder if you can train the chickens to take out the trash??
  15. luckychickmom

    East TN Folks... Meet & Greet 4/10, Show on 5/1 (updated)

    Quote: Thanks for posting your pics of your Wyandottes. It looks like mine are just about at the same stage that your's were. I guess that they are just slower to feather than my others are! By the way, it would be great to have a "chicken picnic" out at your farm. Chicken being menu...
  16. luckychickmom

    East TN Folks... Meet & Greet 4/10, Show on 5/1 (updated)

    We'll be the most visually distracting group at the CB! Can't wait!
  17. luckychickmom

    Special chick...please be a pullet! *New Pics!*

    Quote: Your's does look just like mine! If you figure out what it is, let me know. Regarding the lamp, I wonder how many people out there clamp those onto brooders without thinking about the danger? I'm glad your situation didn't get any worse than a melted lamp! Here's hoping your chick...
  18. luckychickmom

    Special chick...please be a pullet! *New Pics!*

    Quote: You had better believe it! We were actually gone from home when the fire started. We pulled into the drive and heard the fire alarm! Our house is a 95 year old historic home, so you can imagine all of that dry wood just waiting to ignite. If we had been five minutes later, the story...
  19. luckychickmom

    East TN Folks... Meet & Greet 4/10, Show on 5/1 (updated)

    I can't wait to meet everyone! Bibliophile, I just LOVE that dress! I get a kick out of quirky clothing that defines a person as unique. Can't really get much more unique than being a chicken addict! My husband (and everyone else I know, for that matter) thinks that I have fallen off of...
  20. luckychickmom

    Special chick...please be a pullet! *New Pics!*

    More current pics. I have more pullet votes than roo, but these might help out.
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