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  1. Julesschmitz

    Big enough?

    Plenty of space. Might depend on breed/size & whether they’re free range or penned but should be perfect either way IMO.
  2. Julesschmitz


    Lost my chick a few weeks ago and they had this behavior. Later found out the chick had pasty butt (you might want to check for that if you haven’t already). I would remove her from the rest of the chicks, mine got trampled and killed being with the rest because it was so weak. I’m not an...
  3. Julesschmitz

    Is this pasty butt or something else?

    Same thing happened to me! A few weeks ago one of my chicks, Tofu, had it, so I cleaned it off. Went back to check on it the next day and there was a big pink/red lump. If your chick is still active and acting normal, I wouldn’t worry about it. Just a few days after it appeared, it went away...
  4. Julesschmitz

    Comment by 'Julesschmitz' in article 'Drawings thread!'

    Thank you so much!
  5. Silkie chicks

    Silkie chicks

    I love silkies! Just can’t keep them cause my parents only want really good layers and my dog wouldn’t get along with em :( Maybe when I’m older!
  6. Drawings thread!

    Drawings thread!

    While I was looking around BYC, I noticed there’s really no recent threads of drawings... so why not make one? I’m going to post some of my drawings, even though I’ve just started drawing chickens yesterday. Feel free to post any of your drawings, paintings, or any art, I’ll never judge. If...
  7. Julesschmitz

    gender?? (4.5 weeks old)

    Right? Wish chickens were as easy to sex as humans
  8. Julesschmitz

    gender?? (4.5 weeks old)

    Thanks for the feedback! This sexing thing is confusing
  9. Julesschmitz

    gender?? (4.5 weeks old)

    Yeah he/she is one I’m suspecting a rooster if any :) thanks for the feedback
  10. Julesschmitz

    gender?? (4.5 weeks old)

    Finger crossed! Can’t keep roosters in my city ☹️
  11. Julesschmitz

    gender?? (4.5 weeks old)

    3 of my chickens are almost 5 weeks old and I read that at about 4 weeks you should have an idea if it’s a pullet or a cockerel but I’m new to this whole chicken keeping thing so I have no idea! Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated! Here are some pictures if that helps: Honey...
  12. Julesschmitz

    How Many Chickens Can my Coop & Run Hold?

    So my brother works at a farm sometimes and the lady that owns the farm was getting rid of this chicken coop. Since we recently got chickens, about 3 weeks ago, we thought why not take it because: 1- we’ll eventually need one 2- it only needs minor fixing 3- it was FREE! We have 5 chickens...
  13. Julesschmitz

    New chicken mama :)

    New chicken mama :)
  14. Julesschmitz

    Any suggestions on what gender my chicks are?

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