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  1. Christina.Rich

    ISO Dewlap Toulouse Geese

    Hi everyone. I’m located near Buffalo NY and am looking for Toulouse Dewlap Goslings or fertile eggs. Please reach out to me if you have anything available. I’m willing to pay to ship either goslings or eggs, or travel. Thank you! Christina
  2. Christina.Rich

    Cochins: to AI or Trim their butts?

    Hi all! I have some beautiful show quality cochins that I purchased this year. They are right at egg laying age and I’m stumped on how to get their eggs fertilized. I’ve been trying to do AI with the cockerel and have had no luck! He just won’t do “it” for me. So now I question weather or not...
  3. Christina.Rich

    Help me with my Silkies!!

    Hi there! I just hatched a dozen eggs of silkies that I had purchased from an auction. I have two questions based on my photos below. 1.) what colors are they?? 2.) why does the one white silkie have an “Afro” thing going on, but the other don’t?? Any help would be amazing!! Thank you!!
  4. Christina.Rich

    How to get and collect semen!

    I honest did consider that, but I did want to show them early this year so I wanted to avoid it if at all possible. How long does it take for them to grow back, and where is the best place trim them around the vent?
  5. Christina.Rich

    How to get and collect semen!

    help! I just can’t seem to successfully artificially inseminate my Cochins! This is my first time with AI. When I flip my rooster over and attempt to receive seamen, nothing happens! I try to stimulate but nothing happens! Anyone have any tricks or advice?!
  6. Christina.Rich

    Bantam Cochin Cockerels - give me your opinions!

    Yup, that’s one thing I did know :) As far as the splash, what do you mean by sun bleach? I just got him this past month. I did think he was a little dirty but honestly didn’t know if it was just the color (as stupid as that sounds) because I’m not super familiar with splash. The whites feet...
  7. Christina.Rich

    Bantam Cochin Cockerels - give me your opinions!

    Thank you :) I do plan on using him for breeding though, hoping to get some nice whites out of him!
  8. Christina.Rich

    Bantam Cochin Cockerels - give me your opinions!

    Thank you! I really wish I could show the white one, his feet aren't showing in the pictures really well, but his toes are malformed due to him being housed in a really small cage for a good period of time (this is what I was told by others). Makes me angry, cause he is so pretty!
  9. Christina.Rich

    Bantam Cochin Cockerels - give me your opinions!

    Hi All, I would like you to give me your opinions on my two roos, one is a splash and one is a white. I will be using both for breeding, and possibly showing the splash at some point later this year. The white has some feet problems due to poor husbandry before I acquired him so he won’t be...
  10. Christina.Rich

    Silkie color/gender help needed!

    Hi All! I need your opinion on what color/gender my silkie teenagers are. I believe they are some type of partridge, but Id realistically like to know if they are in fact showable. Also, I think one is a pullet (the lighter one) and one is a Cockerel (the darker one) but want your opinions...
  11. Christina.Rich

    Show Prep,, Bathing, Feeding, etc (TIPS NEEDED)

    Great to know, thank you! Do you have any advice on the "stain removal" of feathers? Do you have good experiences with that shampoo for chickens on removing stains? I have been doing some research and have seen people say things from using Dawn Dish soap, to laundry detergent, to something...
  12. Christina.Rich

    Show Prep,, Bathing, Feeding, etc (TIPS NEEDED)

    Your post just helped me out a TON! Thank you :) I was wondering though, what's the use/need for the bucket with vinegar? Is it just to get all the shampoo off, or is there another reason for it too? I've got a couple white & a couple splash colored cochins that I would like to bathe and am...
  13. Christina.Rich

    ISO Bantam Cochins

    Hi All, I’m searching for some show quality Bantam Cochins and/or Bantam Cochin Eggs. I live in Weatern NY but would be willing to pay to ship. I searched on the Cochins international website and came across some nice breeders across the US, but I cant seem to find any emails or websites for...
  14. Christina.Rich

    Frontline Spray for Mites/Lice?

    Hi all, I was curious to find out who of you use frontline spray on your birds. I have done some research and found some conflicting opinions/answers to weather or not it works and if it is safe to use. I brought some birds home with mites and have purchased Martin's Horse & Stable Permethrin...
  15. Christina.Rich

    Show Prep,, Bathing, Feeding, etc (TIPS NEEDED)

    Following! I'd love to see the answers you get because I have the same question(s) :)
  16. Christina.Rich

    Not many eggs

    How long have you been getting only 4-5 eggs a day?
  17. Christina.Rich

    Cochin color breeding questions

    So, if I'm understanding correctly I will get the following with the following breeding's: Mottled hen x Splash Cockerel - Blues Mottled hen x White Cockerel - White? Black Hen x White Cockerel - Black Black Hen x Splash Cockerel - Blues White Hen x Splash Cockerel - Blues Am I right?? lol
  18. Christina.Rich

    Cochin color breeding questions

    Yes, all of the Bantam Cochins that I am referring to are purebreds. Not sure if this helps/changes your answers. Thank you for your awesome wisdom and knowledge!
  19. Christina.Rich

    Cochin color breeding questions

    What do you mean by "Black Split" & "Blue Split"? Also, the white cockerel is I believe recessive white.
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