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  1. SarahL2021

    Eye cyst aftermath

    How did you get the cyst to go away?
  2. SarahL2021

    Mystery lower eyelid swell

    Thank you so much for your responses Wyorp Rock, I appreciate it! I will try Neosporin and just continue to monitor his eye in hopes that it doesn't get worse. If it does I'll check in with the vet for some steroid eye drops.
  3. SarahL2021

    Mystery lower eyelid swell

    Thanks for your reply! The vet didn't give me sulfa for the whole flock (I think she wasn't worried since everyone else wasn't symptomatic -- or even when I showed her a picture of this guy). So I don't have access to the prescription med anymore. I do think you may be right though that it...
  4. SarahL2021

    Chicken face is still swelling even after treatment

    Any updates on your hen? I had a similar situation -- no smell or any other symptoms but when I took my hen to the vet they took a lab swab and were able to diagnose it as coryza. After 7 days of the prescribed me (Sulfatrim) the swelling had gone down somewhat but not totally. Returned to the...
  5. SarahL2021

    Mystery lower eyelid swell

    In the last year I've taken my ill chickens to a vet over an hour each way, but I swear I never get very helpful info. and never as helpful as what I find on this web site! So thank you to anyone who's able to read this. Below are photos of my darling rooster. He lives with my 15 hens and came...
  6. SarahL2021

    Gentle giant roo needs new home

    Update! Craig’s list led me to a sweet family in maryland with 15 acres and 7 hens they want to hatch babies from! he’s fitting in well and I couldn’t be happier even though I miss his sweetness so much. i know this is a better life for him.
  7. SarahL2021

    Gentle giant roo needs new home

    Near Gettysburg, PA (central PA), 14 week old beautiful rooster I wish I could keep as my personal pet! We just have one coop though and we already have a rooster that doesn't want a contest. He's a light Brahma, a gentle giant, very easy going. He'll hop up on my leg for a pet or be caught and...
  8. SarahL2021

    Mycoplasma synoviae, gout or just general arthritis?

    @Eggcessive - really appreciate your comment! Confirmed a lot of what I was thinking. And helped bc I think I thought MS and MG were the same. I won’t worry about the antibiotic now I don’t think. I’m in Pennsylvania and the vets I have near me are not very helpful. When she dies I’ll definitely...
  9. SarahL2021

    Mycoplasma synoviae, gout or just general arthritis?

    Hm, I’ll research how to get the test. If it’s a blood test I’m likely not gonna pay for that. I live in the country and have worked with 3 different local vets, all of whom don’t see chickens but do on occasion for me as a favor - at this point I feel like I know more then them in most of the...
  10. SarahL2021

    Mycoplasma synoviae, gout or just general arthritis?

    First let me say I’m grateful for this web site and all the wonderful wisdom you all dispense! :-) My 2.5 year old Rhode Island Red has had swollen ankles and feet for the past 2.5 months. She is eating and drinking great, no bluish crown or color. Her feet just keep getting bigger and bigger...
  11. SarahL2021

    When is an asymptomatic adult chicken “overloaded” with Coccidia?

    Hi all, I just got some fecal results back from a lab and one hen had a coccidia count of 60 - I’m wondering what this means and if I should even treat, because some of what I’m reading online says adult chickens often have some coccidia eggs in their system. This is a Rhode Island Red who is...
  12. SarahL2021

    Yolk-like poop, napping bird

    Final update although I don't know if anyone even reads these ... I took another fecal sample to the vet today hoping I could get some answers - either a definitive "yes she still has worms" or "yes she still has coccidia" do another round of corid or whatever. They didn't see anything in the...
  13. SarahL2021

    Yolk-like poop, napping bird

    So update as I did take the hen to a vet. They diagnosed round worm and coccidia from a fecal sample! So did a round of invermectin (and again 10 days later) and some corid for 5 days. She perked up soon after and now seems almost back to normal, but just real skinny from lack of food. I let the...
  14. SarahL2021

    Runny nose??

    What type of antibiotic did you use?
  15. SarahL2021

    Yolk-like poop, napping bird

    Thank you! Our tractor supply store had some penicillin, which I researched on here a bit and injected for her. Some great directions about dosages and procedures on these boards. We'll see what that does over the course of the next 3-5 days. It feels good to at least be providing something...
  16. SarahL2021

    Yolk-like poop, napping bird

    I recently purchased a red sex link hen with 3 others, just 18 weeks old or so. The one I’m worried about has very odd poos and appears lethargic, just napping all day and not really eating or drinking. She does perk up when I go to move her. I now have her separated from the group in a dog...
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