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  1. M

    An unusual bond

    So a while back my muscovy duck laid a fertile egg and one of my hens went broody but none of her eggs were fertile so she decided to help my duck around with mothering duties of the egg the duck in return would bring back food for the hen now the egg has hatched into the fluffiest little...
  2. M

    I spoil my rooster rotten

    Ok i have a rooster named cappuccino i bought him a mini bathrobe and slippers he gets foot massages every night before bed he was an abuse rescue hes the sweetest rooster you could ever meet
  3. M

    Tale of two birds

    Ok so i have a muscovy duck who has some eggs about to hatch and her best friend is a hen when the duck goes out for food the hen will sit on her eggs for her when the duck returns she regurgitates some of the food for the hen to eat that hen hasnt left that coop in weeks the duck grooms her and...
  4. M

    What is going on

    Ok so i have a broody muscovy duck and a broody hen the duck will groom the chickens and when i go to pet the hen the duck will attack me when the duck runs off to get food and a drink of water but she will return with a throat full of food and regurgitate it up for the hen to eat while she was...
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