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  1. red mommy

    Baby chick not growing

    I have an update to that one, my Peanut, survived, she had pasty but and as soon as my husband cleaned her up she was immediately a brand new chick! She’s growing into such an amazing little bird. She is the friendliest most trusting one of the flock and appears to be a leader even though she’s...
  2. red mommy

    Documenting the growth of my Russian Orloff chicks.

    I have a light and dark Russian Orloff, please continue to post, mine are chicks too and interested in their development
  3. red mommy

    Baby chick not growing

    I just got 12 baby chicks from Rural King about a week ago and one of my babies doesn’t appear to be growing. It’s a similar situation to jbalducci, she eats and drinks but not like the others. She lets me hold and cuddle her, unlike the others who fuss. She would sit in my hand all day if I’d...
  4. red mommy

    Coyotes--Where do they eat their kill?--Sad Update :(

    I am so sorry to hear about your cat, my condolences and hugs
  5. red mommy

    Black Soldier Fly Larva

    Yes, good luck, I bought some dried soldier fly larvae that cost $$$$. It smells really bad and my girls wanted nothing to do with them.
  6. red mommy

    new question from a newbie

    I hope no one got hurt :O( There are too many predators in my area to allow them to free range. We are working on some ideas where we can get them out but maintain their safety at the same time. While their not used to free ranging, they all huddle at the door. Since they like to follow me, Ive...
  7. red mommy

    new question from a newbie

    Due to the area where we live, I cannot free range them. So I have changed the times that I clean and I always bring in their treats to distract them when I do but even then they get curious.
  8. red mommy

    new question from a newbie

    Believe it or not I have been buying books, reading and watching a lot of stuff on the internet and have been going through this site looking for information. I found a thread that included pictures of owners with their babies perched on their backs with no negative comments. I have since found...
  9. red mommy

    new question from a newbie

    The coop is a Precision that I bought at Rural King and my husband is currently making plans for building a new coop and expanding the run area, etc. The coop has a nesting bar but its right over this pull out cleaning pan and not #12 inches higher. This current coop is getting trashed and I...
  10. red mommy


    My husband made ours a swing, I have never seen them use it but they like their wooden perch
  11. red mommy

    new question from a newbie

    I inherited the hens. The previous owner stated that they were a year in age and were laying previous to us getting them. For the most part, they are sweet, they eat out of my hands and like jumping on my back. I have had issues with them however; when it has come to cleaning their nest box. Not...
  12. red mommy

    Nightmare comes to life

    You have gone through so much already, I am so sorry, I only know what you posted but given your overall situation and circumstances, please do not continue to blame yourself. I understand that human nature will find a way when we are guilt ridden to find some minute reason, but you did what you...
  13. red mommy

    First egg!!!! Yay!!!!

  14. red mommy

    new question from a newbie

    Yes, they are RIR's and apparently I am. I work, so it's been hard to ascertain exactly when they are laying, when I come home from work and check the nesting box it doesn't bother them. I guess I should be more cognizant but will they remember. this and hold bird grudges or forget quickly?
  15. red mommy

    new question from a newbie

    My girls seem to get agitated when I clean out their coop especially the nesting box lately. Last week two of them jumped on my back while I was in an upright position to get to the box and the other ran inside the coop. Today, two jumped up on the edge and was staring at the box, me and started...
  16. red mommy

    Yet another pre-fab coop fail

    I bought a pre-fab coop from Rural King, same manufacturer. I bought ours because of time constraints and like you, it wasn't meant to be permanent. My husband built a large run which encases the coop. Since purchasing we have had to replace all of the latches and the stripping has bubbled up...
  17. red mommy

    New to BYC, Hello

  18. red mommy

    Night of the living chicken...

    She is back to her old self today... :O)
  19. red mommy

    Night of the living chicken...

    She is the middle, the hen pictured in my avatar is Dory, she is the head chicken and the smallest of the 3, Maggie is in the middle and then Fluffy.
  20. red mommy

    Night of the living chicken...

    Thank you and I didn't get much information, but I will be getting back in touch with them because it may help to explain a little better.
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