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  1. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Chick is lethargic help

    Its alright she is in chicken heaven now. She was also going to be dinner if she made it so yeah
  2. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Chick is lethargic help

    It was meant for chicks but she just died, I think she had a heart attack
  3. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Chick is lethargic help

    I have a 1 week old Cornish Rock chick, I noticed last night that she wasn't really moving and she didn't want to drink water so I got a syringe and I started giving her water through that (it's Vitamin Water) I also gave her some egg yolk she ate some of it and this morning she didn't really...
  4. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Sneezing ducklings

    They are drinking the acv water and it seems they like it so I'm going to see if that helps the sneezing, Thank you for the help.
  5. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Sneezing ducklings

    I just read that ACV can help with electrolytes so can salt, so I think I will try that.
  6. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Sneezing ducklings

    Ok, but is there something else I cold give him the sugars in Gatorade is not good for them.
  7. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Sneezing ducklings

    No, he just been sneezing alot the past 2 days
  8. Regan_14ilovechickens

    Sneezing ducklings

    I have a duckling that has been sneezing alot and sometimes breathes hard, and I was wondering if that's normal.
  9. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    I had it in a bag but it still smelled really bad.
  10. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    Well, the 26 day egg was dead and green and it exploded. Then my mom said, "this experience brings a whole new meaning to the book green eggs and ham".
  11. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    Oh I'll keep that in mind. And I'll let y'all know if it's alive
  12. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    Ok then than all of you for all your help. I'm going to go peel the egg shell to see if it's alive
  13. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    Could there be a small chance that the 26 egg will hatch when I feel away the egg shell?
  14. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    Ok thank y'all for all your help
  15. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    The 19 day old egg is the younger egg the now 26 day old egg is the one that is dark inside. when I turn the 19 day old egg everything inside it turns including the air cell.
  16. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    This is my 19 day old egg is it supposed to look like this?
  17. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    I candled it again were the air cell should be but there is nothing
  18. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    Yes growth was perfect and now nothing is happening there was an air cell and everything I tryed to candle it were the air cell is but it was still dark
  19. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    The egg shell is white and I'm using a really bright led flash light
  20. Regan_14ilovechickens

    My egg is 25 days old and nothing is happening

    This is the egg no air cell just dark.
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