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  1. P

    Show me your poop traps!

    I have a foot of sand in my pens (course river sand) with a little straw on top and it is great throw some scratch in there and they turn it over and every couple month i fork it over for a deep clean.
  2. P

    Disposing of rat caught in live trap!!

    No not ever you will kill the chooks if they eat any part of the carcass
  3. P

    Disposing of rat caught in live trap!!

    Be careful with baits for if they kill rats and mice they will kill the chooks if they find the rodents and eat them which they will happily do if they find them they love em
  4. P

    How Many PET Chickens Are In Your Flock?

    Gorgeous King Joop worthy of his status in the hen house
  5. P

    Help! Can chickens die from poultry lice!!!!!

    Yes chooks can die from mites not a nice death they become anemic from loss of blood then slowly die imagine the itch and stress they would be under in the mean time. The solution is simple use Ivomectin cattle drench which you put on there skin using a 1 mm syringe giving 1mm to each bird then...
  6. P

    What is a good feed storage container to keep out roaches??

    There is no proof what so ever that Diatomaceous Earth kills worms as once swallowed it goes soft and is useless but there is scientific proof it causes lung problems including cancer besides hens love roaches so feed them protein
  7. P

    What is a good feed storage container to keep out roaches??

    Yes you need to keep out rodents as these pollute the feed
  8. P

    What is a good feed storage container to keep out roaches??

    Oh lucky you grab the little devils and feed them to your hens they love them wish i could catch them that easily yum yum protein..
  9. P

    Chicken won’t go in hen house at night

    Try putting a small LED light in there as this has worked for me at times if this doesn't work check the pen at night for lice as they hide during the day and feast on the hens at night thus they will not willingly go in on there own have a clean out and spray the whole pen with Mortien Surface...
  10. P

    when do you transition to layer feed?

    I have read all the replies now i will give you my 50 years of having chooks start with chicken crumbles for around 6 weeks switch to growers untill they are 20 to 22 weeks then go for a good quality layer pellet from then on, growers mix has to much protien in it to keep the pullets on past...
  11. P

    Unsure about roosters. Looking for advice!

    Get rid of him they should not dominate the hand that feeds them there are good bred roos out there and get one of these if you want to keep him pick him up and get someone to hold him then with a pair of pliers gently grip the spur and twist back and forth until the spur pops off sounds...
  12. P

    Unsure about roosters. Looking for advice!

    No luck about it i pick them while there young as this is when they start showing there traits and i have had the very odd rooster turn rough on the hens but they tend to visit God as i will not put up with this but have never had a rooster turn on me generally most i have had i can pick up and...
  13. P

    Unsure about roosters. Looking for advice!

    This sounds a bit foppy now i have re read it but believe me treat an animal with love and kindness and they will give it back in bucket fulls no matter if there hens or roosters use the whip once and they will never forget
  14. P

    Unsure about roosters. Looking for advice!

    I love roosters and they should love you back and respect you this comes about with kindness and treats they should treat the hens with kindness to this can be seen by them calling in the flock with some tit bit they have discovered or as i often say to them there joshing not really having found...
  15. P

    Unsure about roosters. Looking for advice!

    My dear old mum would not eat eggs from hens running with roosters when she was young but 50 years on a dairy farm changed her mind its all in the mind and take it from me once you start breeding chicks you can't stop its the most exciting pass time you can experience bringing new life into the...
  16. P

    Is DE safe for chickens

    To true Mary people think its natural its safe it is a proven cancer causing agent in humans so will be no different in chooks there is no scientific evidence that this works as people claim ask any poultry expert and he will tell you to stay away from it why make your hens risk cancer because...
  17. P

    This is a hen right?! 😂

    I have never had Americana's but by its hackles it's a rooster hope i am wrong come on some one step in and help
  18. P

    Caught a domesticated ferret killing

    When we were kids (65 years ago) our ferrets got loose (3 ferrets) and they killed 30 of dads Muscovy ducks in a few hours while we were away he was not pleased as these were a bit of extra income around Xmas as dressed birds ready for the table we were on a dairy farm and money in those days...
  19. P

    Ameraucana genetics question- getting a bunch of blue chicks!

    Is it write that they sell Easter eggers as Americaunas
  20. P

    Ameraucana genetics question- getting a bunch of blue chicks!

    I am no americauna breeder but you say he is deformed but beautiful if you want my advice for what its worth never breed from any animal that is deformed in any way as these traits will be passed on to the prodgeny always pick the best of your breed chooks included it may be possible to pick out...
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