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  1. valerie


    I just read that mice won't come near peppermint. Anyone else heard of this? I assume it will work with rats too? I'm going to crush up peppermints or perhaps get peppermint oil and put around the chicken feed, etc. ????
  2. valerie

    2 Hens with shut eyes, but only 1 is draining a clear liquid.

    I have a rooster thats eyelooks similar. What's the treatment?
  3. valerie

    Pale rooster

    This doesn't show how pale he really is. The one with the hen in the pic shows the color difference. ???
  4. valerie

    Pale rooster

    I have a 4 year old barred rock rooster that has an 'orange' head. He is eating, but sets around alot. All the others have bright read combs, etc. His is orange??? What's goin on with him? Thanks Valerie
  5. Default


  6. valerie

    Can chicks have strokes

    Thanks friends. Looks like culling is in my future
  7. valerie

    Can chicks have strokes

    I have a 8 week old chick. IT was fine the first 7 weeks of it's life. A week ago I found it laying in the cage on it's side. It eats, drinks, poops, peeps, etc. just great! But it can't walk or sit up. It's as tho it's left side isn't 'working' right. It's left wing droops down and left...
  8. valerie

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    Do you worm ducks the same way as the chickens? How long do you have to dispose of the eggs when you use Wazine? Can loss of feather be from worms too? Besides roosters Thanks Valerie
  9. valerie


    Aflac is the duck outside the pool...the Oklahoma hailstorm last week killed him
  10. valerie

    Hen laying on her breast

    She doesn't seem to be eggbound. BR do go broody...but I don't think she is. Most of them are just finishing up molting...don't know if that could have anything to do with this 'problem' or not???? She doesn't act sick or peck at me, as if she was going broody, or in pain. Valerie
  11. valerie

    Hen laying on her breast

    I have a barred rock hen that seems to be lying flat on her breast. Sometimes she 'ruffles' her feathers around. Her legs are under her. She can walk...prefers to be in a nest or on the board in front of the nests. Her head is up and is eating OK...but somethings just not right????? Any...
  12. valerie

    HELP! My goat gave birth! REALLY BAD NEWS Post#77 Need Answers

    They are sooo cute!!! Standing at 7 inches each....that'll fit in a school bag! haha Show and tell perhaps AT least you didn't have the anxiety of waiting for them. What did you name them? Wow a 7 month old mom...sometimes mother nature is amazing! Good luck and thanks for sharing your...
  13. valerie

    Anybody seen/use these cool chicken waterers?

    Do you think it would be easier for a cross beak chicken to drink from?
  14. valerie

    alfalfa hay

    I give mine alfalfa too. I usually just 'clean up' around the barn and put it in their run. They love it. There's not much the chickens don't like Valerie
  15. valerie

    Food for Cross Beak Rooster

    I fix him warm oatmeal and yogurt. He can't eat bread with the others:( I hadn't thought of soup. I'll have to try that. I sometimes soak his food (laying crumbies) in warm water. I also share warm fresh cows milk with him. Yes he's a tad spoiled! haha They also like clabbered milk. Do...
  16. valerie

    Food for Cross Beak Rooster

    I have a 9 month old cross beak rooster. He seems to be doing well. I do keep food in a deep dish and trim his beak occassionally. I am looking for other food ideas on to feed him with his 'handicap'. Why is it that animals (chickens, cats, cows,etc.) with special needs are the sweetest...
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