I have one I was told is a sapphire splash, but I suspect she is laying jumbo white eggs because it sure isn't my bantys. Does that mean I have a splash andalusian instead?
Our numbers are holding pretty steady now. I've never seen anything like it. Still have no idea where whatever it was came from unless it was the water. The city tested it and deemed it safe now at least. I had them on bottled water for over a week just Incase there was still something in the...
Sorry I haven't been back on in so long. Getting ready for virtual school to start, etc.
So what I've gathered from my research, it was some sort of fungal infection. The two surviving chicks from the original group are still quite small and have no feathers around their eyes or bums. I...
I had around 15 chicks I hatched, that were 3 or 4 days old. I picked up 4 polish at the feed store and stupidly did not quarantine.
They were on medicated food, in my living room, in a plastic tub with a heat lamp. A couple got trompled I thought because they were on their backs being stepped...
I don't know much about ducks, but I would give them another day or two then make a small hole in the airpocket end and have a peek. Easier to candle when shining the light in the little hole too.
Hatching eggs is hard on the heart and nerves. All you can do is take notes for next time. I've had a few egg I've tossed because they looked so bad when I candled that I didn't have the nerve to check. I do try to eggtopsy most of them and if there is movement when I make a hole into the air...
Question: I had a chick hatch last night that is white feathered and has feathered legs and extra toes. I'm pretty sure the egg belonged to my leghorn silkie cross who is basically splash color but with very dark silkie skin. My rooster was a white silkie with lighter skin. Now here is the...
For future reference, I had an egg like that. Threw it in the trash and when it broke it had a live ready to hatch baby inside which quickly died ☹️ Since then, I either take outside or put in a baggie and carefully open the air sack end of the egg to check for movement through the membrane.