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  1. Manda0227

    Seramas and/or?

    I agree with either pet quality Serama, or Serama X OEGB. They don't seem to stand as upright as a Serama should.
  2. Manda0227

    Oh yay! Another feed store chick...unknown breed.

    First lil baby looks just like this one did when we first got him. Sebright. Super tiny. Sadly we no longer have him, as it was a cockeral so we couldn't keep him! Second picture (Hijacker! ) Its definitely an Old English Game Bantam. Looks like a few I've had.. more specifically like the...
  3. Manda0227

    Barred Rock Olive/Oliver

    I had a BR, and I held on to "her" until she was 3.5 months old- I was convinced she would be a she. I loved "her" so much. Never crowed, never acted like a rooster, nothing. All of a sudden almost out of nowhere saddle feathers, and the tail feathers.. She was indeed a he, I had to rehome as we...
  4. Manda0227

    Who's all ready for fall?

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fall. My favorite season! However, 2 things. First, If its fall, then its only a year until my wedding, and Im not ready to start freaking out and getting everything ready yet. lol. Second, when it's this hot, and icky out- it totally makes me appreciate the colder...
  5. Manda0227

    Can you tell a bearded Silkie from a non-bearded at six weeks and HOW?

    We just had a bunch of babies hatch, and we can tell right away if they have beards or not.. you should be able to tell. Im sure someone has pictures to show you the difference! They're a lot more puffy under the beak, and look like they.. well.. have beards!
  6. Manda0227

    MPC mystery! Help?

    Yeah, we just got a Welsummer chick from MPC a few weeks ago, and she looks just like that!! Just wanted to add!
  7. Manda0227

    I am sooo mad!!! Crazy post office people won't cooperate! Questions!!

    Wow, I couldn't imagine someone delivering them on their normal route. I was petrified when I first ordered my chicks through the mail, but my PO was actually super helpful both times. We had even gotten hatching eggs through the mail on Wednesday, and my postman actually left them at the office...
  8. Manda0227

    When You Ordered Pullets, How Many Were Roos?

    The chicks I ordered from MPC were supposed to be 5 pullets. 4 definitely are, 1 the jury is still out on! We're really thinking its a roo though, just waiting for the first crow- its almost 3 months! Maybe he will lay an egg instead and fool us all?? I bought in addition to my 5 a total of 20...
  9. Manda0227

    I saw the cutest thing today!

    Quote: With Daddy too!! it was soooo heartwarming! They got out of the water and waddled around and pecked at the ground. Just so neat to watch! I saw another group like this with some older babies on the side of a highway just hangin out eating lol, not the same effect as today's group!
  10. Manda0227

    I saw the cutest thing today!

    I about died of cuteness overload when we saw this!!
  11. Manda0227

    Crowing. When do they start to try?

    I have a little OEG that just did his first attempt at crowing last night. So freakin cute! Anyways. He's 5 weeks, and he's the only one thats even tried. I have a BR that hasn't even made an attempt, and s/he's going on 12 weeks old? Do some just take a lot longer?
  12. Manda0227

    Help identify the Packing Peanuts.

    Quote: I've read quite a few threads where people do! All is not lost with packing peanuts, its just *usually* they are males.
  13. Manda0227

    My husband is a meaney :(

    My future hubby is unfortunately (fortunately?? lol) an enabler, and chicken addict as well. He rolled his eyes when I got my first 5.. and a few months later, and 20+ chickens later.. He's got 10 of our own Serama eggs in the bator, and thinking of what else he's going to get for the bator...
  14. Manda0227

    Help identify the Packing Peanuts.

    Usually "packing peanuts" are unwanted males from the hatchery. They throw them in for warmth for the trip to their new home. That is mainly why everyone is saying its a Roo. However, my lil RIR/Production Red whatever she is lol was a little bit darker, and almost had really faint chipmunk-y...
  15. Manda0227

    Chickens got a surprise visitor today.

    Coooool!! We have tons of wild turkeys in this area. However, the only turkeys I've seen near my house are my neighbors...
  16. Manda0227

    One chick not doing well

    Try dipping the beak into the water. Just be very careful to not dip too far. I noticed when I had to give sugar water to one of my chicks it almost triggered it to naturally drink. I did it about 3 times a day, and she's doing well now. Sometimes its the stress, and sometimes its just...
  17. Manda0227

    Is there something I can do to......

    I wouldn't spray anything... is there enough ventilation?
  18. Manda0227

    I've made a discovery today...

    This is my first year raising chicks and chickens. First of all. To anyone who asks- ITS A LOT OF WORK!! However, its "fun" work. To me. I spent 4 hours of my only day off this week (today) taking care of all my chicks, chickens, cats, and dog. Weekly chores. It was nice to spend time with...
  19. Manda0227

    mixing Bantam chicks with standard chicks?????

    I wouldn't.. Thats why I have 2 brooders set up right now, looking into making a 3rd until they can go outside in the coop.. Which is my favorite part of raising chicks I've discovered!
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