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  • Users: Roley
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  1. Roley

    Almost There!!

    Thank you!! One of the abandoned eggs is starting to hatch!! Mama is back on the eggs for the night. Hoping she'll pull through tonight before mom gets back off in the morning <3. Thanks again for your reply :)
  2. Roley

    Almost There!!

    Cochin has been sitting on her eggs for 23 days. 5 total have hatched starting 3.5 days ago, still several in the nest. She has left the nest to feed the babies and looks like she's creating a new nest out of the box (on the ground). I hear chirping in one egg and tapping in another, the rest...
  3. Roley

    Leave Broody in the Coop?

    Thanks all!! She top of the pecking order and the only broody in the flock of 5 (including a young roo). They are all very laid back birds and normally get along great. They free range during the day and I only go back to sleep. Right now her nest is in the corner curtained off from the rest...
  4. Roley

    Leave Broody in the Coop?

    I only have 5 egg laying hens including my broody and one 6mo roo. None of the other hens are laying in her nest. Honestly, I don't think they will even have the opportunity, she never leaves :P. I'll be sure to keep checking though. Do you all think it's ok to leave her in the coop when the...
  5. Roley

    Leave Broody in the Coop?

    Hi All, My hen has been sitting on egg in her box in the coop for about 2 weeks now. I have made a makeshift divider out of curtains and wooden boards to give her a little extra private space within the coop. However, if the other birds wanted to, they could enter. My question is, can I just...
  6. Roley

    Please help. Something got our mama hen

    I thinks I’m losing her. She won’t drink. My husband is holding her wrapped up in a blanket. She’s shivering and just wants to sleep 😩
  7. Roley

    Please help. Something got our mama hen

    In pain yes! Woke up this morning to check on her. Her comb is turning black!!
  8. Roley

    Please help. Something got our mama hen

    She’s inside in a dog crate and blankets. She looks good. Walking around! But crying quite a bit. At least it sounds like a cry. So lucky, this one. She free ranges and was in the neighbors yard. Thinking it was a cat or a coon.
  9. Roley

    Please help. Something got our mama hen

    I have her some sugar water, she drank a sip. I think you’re right it doesn’t look too bad. I did find a large gash under her feathers, I’ll try to take a pic. Would wound wash be advised? Thanks so much.
  10. Roley

    Please help. Something got our mama hen

    what can I do to help our girl?Farm/pet stores are closed... Home remedies or things I can buy at the pharmacy would be helpful. Do I keep her with the other birds or in a crate inside my home? She’s a bit lethargic and in shock but she’s awake. Responding to stimulation but eyes want to close...
  11. Roley

    Show me inside and outside of your homemade coops

    Thank you! I have both 1/2” and 1/4”. What are your thoughts on the 1/4”?
  12. Roley

    Show me inside and outside of your homemade coops

    Any suggestions on what size hardware cloth to use for windows?
  13. Roley

    Show me inside and outside of your homemade coops

    I’m building it out of scrap wood so it doesn’t look so pretty right now. But it should be nice once painted. Here’s my work in progress. (Everything under $50)
  14. Roley

    Please Help! Chick injured by pecking

    I count find Grntian Violet or Blu-Kote anywhere. I did find Wound-Kote for horses, cats and dogs. Is that stuff ok or too powerful?
  15. Roley

    Show me inside and outside of your homemade coops

    Yeah. I realized that later as I read on in the thread. Such a shame! Thank you for your response. I have started my build, we’ll see how it goes
  16. Roley

    Please Help! Chick injured by pecking

    ::Update:: Thank you to everyone who helped! We are all really grateful for all the support we received :bow A very special thanks to, @Eggcessive, @Melky @Chick-N-Fun Our chick is doing better today. She's eating and drinking more and cannot wait to get in and play with her mates. She's...
  17. Roley

    Please Help! Chick injured by pecking

    I really can’t tell. The feathers are wet but the fluid does not look red like blood. It’s almost as though there is clear fluid oozing. Maybe I should wrap it anyway just to be safe.
  18. Roley

    Please Help! Chick injured by pecking

    I'll see where I can get some BluKote locally, the place I go didn't have it... Maybe Amazon? I did pick up some electrolytes and gave her about 2 sips. She doesn't want to drink or eat much at all, but she is eating a little so that's a good sign? So far she seems ok, just resting a lot and...
  19. Roley

    Please Help! Chick injured by pecking

    I'm not sure about the air under the skin. The wounded area looks really red, like blood but more under the skin than gushing. Her feathers appear to be wet, I assumed because of bleeding Her breathing appears to be ok. And she's not complaining much, just sleepy and wants to cuddle with the...
  20. Roley

    Please Help! Chick injured by pecking

    How can I tell the difference? I feel like I need to take her to the Vet but I really can't afford it :hit
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