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  1. chick chatter

    Dandylion the brave

    she is also the princess of the flock
  2. chick chatter

    Good pictures I took around the coop =) !!!!!

    so cute! I love your chickens:love
  3. chick chatter

    All my birds died!

    sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. maybe poison gas?
  4. chick chatter

    Funny chicken pictures!

    LOL! Soooooooooooooooo funny!
  5. chick chatter

    Calling all Faverolles Roo Owners! Pics needed!

    Beautiful roosters! With a capital B!
  6. chick chatter

    Dandylion the brave

    I have this little two year old chicken named dandylion, and she once jumped off my HIGH balcony after getting in a fight with another hen. She broke her leg, and she couldnt even stand. my friend suggested amputating, but I just didnt have the heart.Today, she is running around like a normal...
  7. chick chatter

    Funny Sunny

    I also call Sunny a bunny or whatever that rhymes. She is sooooooooo cuddly!
  8. chick chatter

    Funny Sunny

    I don't have a pic currently, but feel free to comment about your chickens! I love hearing chicken stories!
  9. chick chatter

    All about Buff Orpington's AND Rhode-Island Red's !! CHECK THIS OUT!

    I LOVE my buff Orpington. She is just the sweetest little creature on Earth. Gets along wonderfully with the other hens.
  10. chick chatter

    Funny Sunny

    I have this cute buff cochin(or maybe a buff orphington?) and she is just the sweetest little thing. She always is such a good friend to all of my other chickens in my flock. She loves to groom the other hens and she always comes to a clucking chicken and comforts them. Many of my friends love...
  11. chick chatter

    HELP! Hen adopted chicks... but they're not eating/drinking!

    Maybe you should tempt your mamma chicken with some yummy treats:drool
  12. chick chatter

    Is she a he?

    Hmmm... I know that if the comb is big and legs are long, its a boy. He looks like a nice little gentleman, though!
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