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  1. back2basics

    Quilt Block Swap! All blocks have been mailed!

    Miss Prissy and all, I have not forgotten either, worked on mine last night.
  2. back2basics

    RIR's Are Two Weeks Now picture

    Thanks for sharing, they are beautiful!
  3. back2basics

    How do you get a splinter out from under your fingernail?

    So sorry. I know how bad they hurt! Try soaking your finger in a water/peroxide mix. This will swell the splinter. If it isnt showing enough to pull out after that, apply a black salve and wait till you can get to it. It took mine a couple of days. Hope this helps
  4. back2basics

    What's the best tasting non-hybrid?

    Red Fan, I am new to this, but I have 25 Dark Cornish in a brooder, 1 week old. Not suppose to be as prone to the leg issues as the Cornish X, but still fast growers. I am looking forward to the taste test. Have also seen posts here about Freedom Rangers, which are suppose to be tasty. Good...
  5. back2basics

    mcmurry sick chicks please post here

    Mine were all vacinated, but I have not lost any of the cornish, only the layers
  6. back2basics

    mcmurry sick chicks please post here

    First I too want to thank those getting info from a vet, and all who have posted with their losses. I am a 1st time chick owner. Received my birds from McMurray on March 10th. Weather for shipping was in between storms. Receive phone call from PO on that Monday AM. I ordered 5 each of Blue...
  7. back2basics

    "The Waiting" Support Group

    : ) I got my phone call from the PO at 7 am today!!! My sister and I picked them up and then she ran them to my place, where my DH and her happily put them in the brooder!! When I got home we decide the barn was too cold, so I shall be lulled to sleep by quiet peeps any way...
  8. back2basics

    "The Waiting" Support Group

    Sorry for the losses. Everytime I hear of them I get so nervous and sad. Mine are due to arrive Monday. I hope the weather holds as it is predicted to be sunny and warm. I left 3 phone numbers with the post office but will probably be parked outside like the rest of you did Thanks for sharing...
  9. back2basics

    Quilt Block Swap! All blocks have been mailed!

    What a great idea count me in. I will have to blow the dust off my machine, but what a wonderful reason to do it!
  10. back2basics

    "The Waiting" Support Group

    Perfectly_ Polish I am so sorry to hear of your loss I too am waiting on my first shipment. Brooders are ready coop will be built as soon as ground dries up a bit more, or it will be a tad bit crowded in the cabin I ordered 25 Dark Cornish and 5 each of Silver Spangled Hamburgs White...
  11. back2basics

    It feels like we're preparing for real babies!

    PS I m sorry forgot to tell you nice pics!
  12. back2basics

    It feels like we're preparing for real babies!

    I know how you feel, my DH and I will be getting our 1st 50 babies on Mar 10th He just finished building our 2 brooders too... Same question, should they be painted? We also are waiting for the weather to break to build the coop. Good luck with yours!
  13. back2basics

    Hubby is not doing well. long post

    Alley, Such good news, I have been worried since its been 24 hours+ since your last post. I too will continue to send good thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. Mary
  14. back2basics

    Keep us in your thoughts...

    My DH and I ride too, I am so glad you were wearing your leathers and helmets. Speedy recovery to the both of you!!
  15. back2basics

    Hubby is not doing well. long post

    Alley, I have been away for a few days, I just caught up on 20 pages of posts. People care about what is happening to you and your family. Its been said over and over; STAY STRONG, TAKE CARE OF YOU... LEAVE IT TO GOD. I cried reading your posts, I will hug my DH when he gets home. Vent here...
  16. back2basics

    Hubby is not doing well. long post

    I too have been following this thread and am so glad you made it to GJ. It is a shame what they put you through at the other hospital. I will continue to think about you and your DH and pray that all turns out well. Take care of yourself and know that a lot of people are sending you positive...
  17. back2basics

    Help needed from northerners on staying warm

    Hey, I read through all the great posts and have one suggestion that I didnt see. Bubble wrap. Comes in different thickness, and sizes. Used in some northern greenhouses. Cut to fit each window. You will not see through, but you will be insulated. Good luck, sounds like you have a great house.
  18. back2basics

    -5 and falling - How is everyone doing??

    We have been waking up to -10 to -18 for the last 3 mornings, and yesterday morning 5 am was when the propane for cabin ran out. Thankfully we keep a buddy pack in the cabin and had a spare tank to switch to. I will be happy for it just to no longer be in the negative numbers, but am craving...
  19. back2basics

    Pinched nerves, anyone got advice?

    I am sorry to hear you are in pain. I had similiar experience years ago, couldnt open a jar or type with out pain. Went to a chiro, he adjusted my elbow, instant relief. I also used to stretch my arm by encircling my wrist with thumb and pointer finger of other hand and gently...
  20. back2basics

    Shes gone....i need a little support

    A lose is a lose, your Gracie was specially to you, and you to her. Your little sis may not know how to express being sad about "just a chicken" so she possible is taking it out on you. Hang in there, people care
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