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  1. Q

    Rooster Singling out Single Hen

    I am curious about this issue I have with rooster “aggression”. I have one hen out of 10 that is constantly bullied by the rooster, but it did not start out that way. It started out by the rooster trying to mount her and her always dodging his attempts. He’s never gotten to mount her before...
  2. Q

    Hi from North Carolina!

    I’m a farmer with a mixed flock, newly adopted ranging from 4 weeks to 1 week old. I have 1 rooster and he’s in charge of 15 ladies. The Rooster is a Rhode Island Red The hens are as follows: Amauracana Barred Rock Silver-Laced Wyandotte Buff Orpington Rhode Island Red Araucana I plan on...
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