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  1. G

    Guinea pigs!!

    Great thread! I have two guinea pigs. Will need to add pictures shortly.
  2. G

    Chicken can't hop into coop

    Thank you very much for checking in! Very kind of you! The hen is doing good. She can hop about halfway up the ramp and then get into the coop to roost. That said, I am still curious as to why she is having trouble. Going to keep my eye on her via my camera to see if her hop gets a little...
  3. G

    Chicken can't hop into coop

    Thank you. Tomorrow, I am going to make a ramp for her. My only concern is if she will know how to use it and will the other chickens get confused by this new "thing".
  4. G

    Chicken can't hop into coop

    Hi, she has to jump about 16 inches and she is @ 5 years old.
  5. G

    Chicken can't hop into coop

    Happy Thanksgiving! I have cameras around my coop/run. Last night I noticed something in the run. It was one of the chickens. After further exploration, I was able to determine that she can't hop back into the coop at night. She gets close and gives it a try, but she just can't get up...
  6. G

    Super Limp Leg

    Yep. Had her over two years. No need birds over the past 30 days (we have the same flock for the 2+ years). Thank you for all of the generous help!
  7. G

    Super Limp Leg

    Sure. I’ll post some photos tomorrow. She really isn’t able to stand at all (maybe a brief second if you put her on her feet). As far as food is concerned, she gets Purina Layena Crumble, broccoli, cucumbers, mealworms and other assorted treats. She is over two years old (I had her since she...
  8. G

    Super Limp Leg

    Hi Folks, opened the coop today and a chicken was down. Looked like she was trying to crawl into the nesting box. I am very far from experienced, but my first thought was that a leg is broken based on how limp it looked. The leg didn't have any cuts, bruises. etc. This wasn't from a predator...
  9. G

    Does sand attract earthworms?

    I have used sand in my run for years. Never an earthworm in there. Sand isn’t their thing.
  10. G

    Worms and I am not talking about fishing

    Thank you very much! I wasn't even thinking about maggots. I don't have a picture, but now that you mention, they did look like maggots. I was so "concerned" when I saw them, I assumed the worst. You see, I was out on vacation for a week and a half and the poop built up by the roost. It was...
  11. G

    Confused about Wazine 17.

    Thank you! I have read that some folks put the paste on bread and feed it to the chicken. Out of curiosity, have you tried this?
  12. G

    Confused about Wazine 17.

    When you use the Safeguard, are you putting it in the chickens' water or are you giving it to them directly? Thanks!
  13. G

    Worms and I am not talking about fishing

    Hi folks, in cleaning my coop yesterday, I noticed that there were worm like parasites in some of the dung I cleaned from the roost. I have been scouring this site for the past 24 hours in an effort to learn as much as possible regarding worms and eliminating them. My question is, has anyone...
  14. G


    A great feeling. Last year is when I started my flock. I spent a good 6-8 months prior trying to learn the basics about chicken care, terminology, best practices, etc. When those first eggs come, it serves as a point of validation for all of the hard work and effort.
  15. G

    To Catch a Chicken

    Thanks again. Very helpful.
  16. G

    To Catch a Chicken

    Thank you! So just grab her right from the roost? It is OK if all of the other chickens go bonkers (I am assuming they will)? They all roost together.
  17. G

    To Catch a Chicken

    Folks, I have a coop and an enclosed run. My chickens don't free range. Are there any secrets to catching chickens so that you can check them out, apply medicine, etc. without causing them too much stress? Out of my batch of chickens, most will come by and allow you to pick them up, etc., but...
  18. G

    Best way to clean some minor peck wounds

    Hi Folks, my one hen is missing some chest feathers from being broody. Another hen or two is starting to peck at the open spots and I see some minor red blood dots, which is making things worse. Can you let me know what is the best way to clean this area prior to putting some medication on the...
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