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  1. Z

    Frizzled and White Ayam Cemani?

    So I personally have been watching your ebay auctions for at least 6 months now. I see the amount of traffic you get and the amount of income you are making. Congratulations on doing really well for yourself financially. I messaged you on ebay previously about your white chicks, but haven't...
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    rooster legalities

    Just collar your roosters. Buy baby socks and 2.5" velcro. Cut velcro to 6" piece. Put the sticky sides of the 2 velcro pieces together. Round the corners with scissors.. Cut toes off baby sock. Slide onto chicken's neck as low as possible. Secure velcro tightly over sock leaving enough room to...
  3. Z

    So MANY choices!?!?

    Start with Nutrena Chick Starter. I swear by it.
  4. Z

    Best food for chicks and laying chickens?

    For my chicks I feed Nutrena Chick Crumbles. For adults I use Producer's Pride because it is WAY more cost efficient (12 a bag vs 18 a bag). I use a ratio of 1 scoop pellets & 1/2 scoop scratch grains and have gotten nothing but compliments on eggs and health of birds. Adults get Manna Pro...
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    Eating Pine Shavings

    I really wouldn't worry about it honestly. Personally I steer clear of feeding lactose. I would also start using pelletized horse bedding. I put about 8 cups in a big storage bin. You can go 3 weeks in the brooder without changing bedding because the pelletized bedding is so absorbent.
  6. Z

    Chick grit.

    A 5LB bag of Manna Pro Chick Grit costs $6.99. I'm not sure where you are seeing grit that is "very expensive". It's cheap everywhere. Just buy the grit and do it right.
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    My only Dominique. Boy or girl?

    Any chick that has red wattles and red comb before 6 weeks of age is 100% a cockerel. Hens don't redden up until later.
  8. Z

    food/water at night?

    Chickens in general should have water available 24 hours a day no matter what in my opinion.. my chickens also have 24 hour access to food. What reason is there that they need to go without overnight?
  9. Z

    Ayam Cemani Fraud?

    I have been breeding Ayam Cemanis for a few years now. Here is some info: Misconception: If a Cemani hatches with white toes, the toes will eventually turn black and it is still ok breeding stock. Fact: NO. White toes may eventually turn grey, but all Cemanis born with white toes, or even a...
  10. Z

    Golden Polish Sex??

    Definite cockerel. He is 8 weeks now. His head feathers have always been too fine to be female. He also has a beard and developing wattles.
  11. Z

    Can chickens safely eat canned cat food?

    I feed seafood flavored canned cat food to my baby quails during the first week to help them build up their strength. I use one of the small fancy feast sized cans and they (15-20 quails) get about 1/2 a tablespoon twice a day. Anything in the can uneaten at the end of the 5 days goes to the...
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    Golden Polish Sex??

    He was but I separated him and now his feathers are growing back. I have to sell if he is a cockerel so wanted more opinions :)
  13. Z

    Golden Polish Sex??

    Hello All! This is my surprise Golden Laced Polish, Puff. Puff is 6 weeks old and while I initially thought it was a pullet, I am now thinking cockerel. What do you think?
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