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  1. Marinefam2053

    Confused about my hens

    I locked up my girls tonight, and as usual perform a head count. One of my hens that usually stays away from the other girls at night has decided not only does she want to be next to the other hens, but she wants to put her head underneath her sisters. Why on earth would she do that? I have...
  2. Marinefam2053

    My first chicken loss in 3 years

    We installed a fan in the coop tonight. Now I’m trying to find some kind of circulation system to put in the larger waterer that I have. I can’t have this happen again.
  3. Marinefam2053

    My first chicken loss in 3 years

    She was 3 years old.
  4. Marinefam2053

    My first chicken loss in 3 years

    As always, locking up the hens tonight I always do a head check. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…. Thinking to myself, one hen is a little broody, but where’s the other. As I open the egg hutch to my devastation, my hen is laying on the coop floor and she’s gone. 7, 8 (but 8 isn’t alive). As I find all of my...
  5. Marinefam2053

    What’s the deal with my hens??

    My girls are on their 3rd year of laying, and this year one of my girls has done this miniature egg lay twice. Does anyone know why?
  6. Marinefam2053

    Possible rat problem?

    I know for sure that I have rats, my son and I killed 3, and I know that’s not even a dent in the population. I don’t keep food in the shed anymore because of the rats, and I don’t care about being humane with them… if I had a little 22 pistol, would’ve been more successful with killing more...
  7. Marinefam2053

    Devastated! Warning Graphical

    Opossum maybe, did they figure it out? I have a co-worker that she said she knows an opossum would take their heads and just leave the bodies. That’s terrible, I’m heartbroken for you and so sorry your so had to find that.
  8. Marinefam2053

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2021

    From what I have researched, molting isn’t what’s painful, it’s the feathers coming in. They are sharp like needles breaking through their skin, so I usually try not to handle them too much during this time of year. Someone can correct me if I’m incorrect.
  9. Marinefam2053

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2021

    Isn’t it crazy how they think you’re going to touch them when all you want is a picture? Mine do that too.
  10. Marinefam2053

    Asking for a friend in Georgia

    I don’t think it’s terrible advice, I thought it was fine.
  11. Marinefam2053

    Asking for a friend in Georgia

    Thank you, forwarding this to her so she can get the information that she needs. She’s just trying to gather as much information as possible so that within a year she’s prepared to start raising chickens. It’ll be great for her kiddos too, they are young and will learn a lot. I also don’t think...
  12. Marinefam2053

    Asking for a friend in Georgia

    I have a friend that lives in Charlton County in Georgia. She’s got approximately 2 acres of fenced land. She wants to raise some chickens 4-6 at most. Does anyone know of any ordinances or who she should contact? She’s way outside of the city limits which has other ordinances.
  13. Marinefam2053

    Hard Molting

    She’s not looking as bad as she did last week. New feathers are coming in and starting to open up a little.
  14. Marinefam2053

    Hard Molting

    I didn’t even think about sardines… I’ll have to grab some.
  15. Marinefam2053

    Hard Molting

    Didn’t know there was a contest for that, lol. I’ll have to look for it.
  16. Marinefam2053

    Hard Molting

    She’s a little bit vulnerable right now, so that pecking order shifts a little. She tends to keep her distance from the moodier hens.
  17. Marinefam2053

    Hard Molting

    My poor hen Olympia is looking rather ratchet these days, and she’s the first one to go through a hard molt this year. I’m just waiting for the other 7 to follow behind. She’s so tired at the end of the day, I don’t fuss with her sleeping in a nesting box.
  18. Marinefam2053

    Rotten Egg Laying

    She hasn’t laid any eggs recently. The last egg was about a week old, and it was watery white colored whites and the yolk was a green color. Her comb this morning isn’t looking great either. I was trying to get a picture of her, but she is one of my most skidish hens. If she does lay again, I’ll...
  19. Marinefam2053

    Rotten Egg Laying

    Ok, at first I thought it was a weird coincidence, maybe the egg was bad, even though I actually did the float check and the egg sunk. I cracked it open and inside was completely rotten. Fast forward a couple weeks and the same hen had also another rotten egg, except I just assumed since it was...
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