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  1. CookieChookie

    Chicken won’t go in hen house at night

    I had the same problem with mine after I built them a brand new coop. I ended up putting tasty treats in the coop just as it was getting dark. Took about a week but eventually all of them would head straight in by themselves to get the tasty treats. Then I’d block off the exits until they were...
  2. CookieChookie

    2021 BYC Calendar - We Need Your Pictures!

    This is Lucille Ball. She's such a feisty redhead.
  3. CookieChookie

    Official BYC Poll: How Long Have You Been Raising Chickens?

    I moved north over 3 years ago to look after my mum when it became obvious she could no longer look after herself because of dementia. Mum had 3 full grown chickens at the time. She talked me into buying another 3 baby chicks. Then one weekend I was away and my nephew was looking after mum and...
  4. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    $350 woah! Our local guy only charges $70. I guess I’ll stop complaining about paying $70
  5. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    People who dump their pets should be shipped to Australia, dumped in the middle of the Nullarbor with a small bottle of water and a compass and told “You’re on your own now. Nobody loves you”. :gig
  6. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    It is duck and curlew etc breeding season now so maybe your snakes are happy eating lots of eggs found on the ground :idunno
  7. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    Real egg left in hen house is still there so I’m assuming the poor snake that ate the wooden eggs is in the bush dying a slow horrible death. If I had my nephews here they’d be happy as to go wandering through the bush to find it. Breaks my heart a little because it was more than likely just a...
  8. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    And yes I’m aware I’m not allowed to kill snakes. I don’t think I could anyway. I’ve had to pay $$$ in the past to call certified snake catchers to come out and remove poisonous snakes.
  9. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    I have lots of snakes here, venomous and non-venomous as well as goanna. I phoned Australia Zoo and they said the snake would probably die unless a vet intervened. Thinking it wouldn’t go too far with a bellyful of wooden eggs, I searched all the hiding spots around the house, chook pen and shed...
  10. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    There was one big curved “swish” leading up to the laying boxes. The wooden eggs are solid and fairly heavy and whatever it was took all 3 from 3 separate laying boxes. All signs seem to lead to python. I’m kinda hoping the python doesn’t survive or it may come back for the chickens :fl
  11. CookieChookie

    Goanna or python?

    Got home this arvo to find the 3 wooden eggs missing from the hen house. Could of been a goanna but as there wasn’t much of a disturbance in the wood shavings leading up to the laying boxes I’m thinking snake. Am I correct in thinking the snake will die from eating wooden eggs? And if it was in...
  12. CookieChookie

    Help! Is this a prolapsed vent?

    No they don’t. Just called again and spoke to the vet that did the procedure. She said to keep them in for 2 weeks. So Monday next week I have to call back and they’ll assess the situation then. She did say though if Gonzo is doing everything normally and isn’t having any trouble then it’s fine...
  13. CookieChookie

    Help! Is this a prolapsed vent?

    Gonzo laid an egg this morning. A rather large one too. Vent still looking perfect and the little stitches either side of the vent are still there. Woohoo!!!! I’m taking the vet’s advice and will not have the stitches removed. So happy our girl is back to normal :celebrate
  14. CookieChookie

    Help! Is this a prolapsed vent?

    Update on Gonzo. Her appetite is back. Foraging. Running. Jumping. Loves a cuddle. Looks like a show chicken she looks so good. Vent is clean and still intact. Droppings look normal. No bad smells. Still hasn’t laid an egg but then neither have some of the other girls. At the moment only...
  15. CookieChookie


    I never wash my eggs. Every now and again I’ll get a dirty one which I’ll wash in hot water. All my eggs go into an egg crate, pointy side down, then into the fridge (as it gets really hot here in North Qld). Crates are placed on the bottom shelf, away from the sides of the fridge. Can’t...
  16. CookieChookie

    Help! Is this a prolapsed vent?

    Gonzo definitely not her sprightly self today but she looks really well. Red comb, stands tall and most importantly vent looks great. I let her out to get some sunshine with her sisters. After 15 minutes she hopped into the nesting box and sat there for 2 hours. When she came out (no egg) she...
  17. CookieChookie

    Help! Is this a prolapsed vent?

    Oxymav 100. One scoop full of powder in a litre of water. No idea what she weighs but she’s an Australorp and she’s a big girl.
  18. CookieChookie

    Help! Is this a prolapsed vent?

    Stitches in for a week but apparently if they’re not bothering her and she has no problems laying an egg they don’t need to be taken out. I’ll keep watch on her and see how we go. Where my mum lives is rural so lots of people have cattle, goats and chickens which is why the vet has some...
  19. CookieChookie

    Help! Is this a prolapsed vent?

    Not specifically but she’s seen prolapses before and seemed to know what to do. I had to trust her. My mum has dementia and I’m her full time carer so day 2 of me bathing her chicken was driving her nuts. It was Mum that said “come on we’re taking her to the vet because I can’t sit here watching...
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