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  1. Herbanfarmer

    I got a coyote problem, help!!

    Wow amazing video with the coyotes! I'm in suburbia and have lost chickens to coyotes but usually see one or two at a time. I would love to run a wire across the top of my 6' privacy fence but it's not allowed. I've read that coyotes can scale a fence up to 14' tall! We redid the chicken run...
  2. Herbanfarmer

    Review by 'Herbanfarmer' in article 'A Guide To Understanding The Chicken Pecking Order'

    Very useful information for chicken owners, clear explanations and helpful photos.
  3. Herbanfarmer

    Picking chickens up

    Thanks for the ideas! I especially like the zip ties, they'd be easier to put on and the size can be controlled. We're going to be gone for 2 weeks. I don't think the girls will be laying eggs at that point, but if I leave them home I want someone to check on them every day and don't know...
  4. Herbanfarmer

    Picking chickens up

    I have a new flock of 6 hens. They're 3 months old right now and only one chicken will let me pick her up. The rest run away squawking. I need to be able to handle them for a couple of reasons, but right now my concern is that we're going on vacation in September and I'll be bringing my chickens...
  5. Herbanfarmer

    What's the one thing you wish you had included in your coop?

    I can give more than one. I live in the suburbs, have new hens, and when we got them as chicks we totally tore down and rebuilt our chicken setup. Because we'd had problems with rats and mice getting in the old run, we dug out the floor of the 8'x8' run and added 1/2" wire mesh to the entire...
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