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  1. FeatheredFeetBuffBrahma4

    Hawk is picking off my flock!! Help!!

    For our hawk problem, we put up a fence and put string, in a criss-cross spider web like pattern, over the top, and we haven’t had anymore problems with the hawks. I think the hawks think it is completely covered or something...
  2. FeatheredFeetBuffBrahma4

    Feather loss/red around the vent, pics posted

    I just used water on a paper towel, but regular soap will work fine too. I'm not sure about baby shampoo, I haven't used that before.
  3. FeatheredFeetBuffBrahma4

    Feather loss/red around the vent, pics posted

    So my Barred Rock had the same problem as mentioned in the pictures shown. I sprayed her with some anti fungal and bacteria spray, cleaned her, and put some stuff called green goo on her, and now she looks a little better. I also dusted and sprayed her for mites/lice.
  4. FeatheredFeetBuffBrahma4

    What is Your Favorite Word to Describe Your Flock?

    I like to call them chicks or chickmunks instead of chipmunks lol.
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