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  1. Lerdawerd

    Can you eat meat from a duck with an infected phallus?

    Hello, I have a pekin Duck who has struggled with a prolapsed phallus for a few months. He had the gangrene part snipped off and was treated with antibiotics. He seemed much better, though it would pop out it would go back in eventually. Now after a few months, it has gotten infected and is...
  2. Lerdawerd

    Black on comb only, frostbite in summer?

    Thanks! I know that she does scratch her face a lot but I never see anything So I will have to check at night.
  3. Lerdawerd

    Black on comb only, frostbite in summer?

    Well the doc said I have a healthy hen! He said that the only thing it really looked like to him was mites or frostbite but we live in the same town and he told me it's not cold enough for her to get frostbite. He checked her for mites and she didn't have any. He said she looked healthy so he...
  4. Lerdawerd

    Black on comb only, frostbite in summer?

    Well after much googling I have officially worried myself and I'm about to head to the veterinary clinic to get her checked out. I will let you know what he says!
  5. Lerdawerd

    Black on comb only, frostbite in summer?

    Thank you I appreciate any and all information! I'm a super newbie to this, I've worked with goats, pigs and cattle but never owned chickens! :rolleyes: I definitely look forward to learning about any disease she may have so we can get her healthy and happy with new friends. She has become a...
  6. Lerdawerd

    Black on comb only, frostbite in summer?

    I got her April 27th and they said she was about 5-6 weeks, so I have had her almost 4 months. I forget the crumble chick starter brand she was on but now she is on Purina Premium Layena pellets with prebiotics, probiotics and oyster, calcium, manganese (idk if they all have that or if it's...
  7. Lerdawerd

    Black on comb only, frostbite in summer?

    Thank you so much! We are so happy he is a she! Lol! She is still a happy chicken, she has had more of an attitude lately because of whatever is going on I think. I just bought the salve so I will wait to use it incase it's not frostbite and some other disease. I maybe should've mentioned that I...
  8. Lerdawerd

    Black on comb only, frostbite in summer?

    Hello! Edit: may have black spots appearing towards the bottom of wattle if you look at the close up picture below. Poop seems to be normal, not runny or anything unless cecal poop. So, a bit of backstory. A girl I worked with had bought two chicks for her kids as family pets and they were...
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