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  1. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    Hopefully this is the last post on this thread - I was getting frustrated, have been keeping the birds in their outdoor coop during the day, penned up, today was the fifth or sixth day. I figured the predator would get bold and have to come closer - he'd been getting a bird about every 3rd or...
  2. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    No hot wire - I might have to go this route before too long. I would have already done it - its just the $$$ involved in buying the fencing and T posts.
  3. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    Found some scat! I'm no tracker but it looks to me like coyote. 2 more birds confirmed gone - RIP Meatball and one of my unnamed roosters. Birds are on lockdown staying in outdoor run - they are not happy about it. Both attacks were downwind from coop, on the fringes of their free-range...
  4. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    Now there's a chicken missing - that makes two chickens and the turkey in about a week-anda-half span of time. Predator has moved in on me! I'm thinking of putting "Meatball," my basketball-shaped Cornish Cross, in a dog cage on the property flank and laying an ambush. Meatball will be safe...
  5. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    Did not see scat - Me and the pups did some scouting - only found another pile of feathers. Will keep an eye out and see if I can find anything. Game camera is out at the kill site - will keep ya'll updated. I did sit downwind from the kill site yesterday evening and a single racoon appeared...
  6. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    We do have those around - I've seen them. You think he coulda eaten the whole bird?
  7. FatherofChickens

    What got my Turkey? Picked him clean....

    Found Big turkey boy Boopie's remains this morning. Bout 120 yards from coop, down in creek bottom - first little spot of feathers was 70+ yards from coop, then I could see the gruesome scattering of feathers where he was eaten about 40 yards further on. DANGER- GRUESOME CORPSE DESCRIPTION...
  8. FatherofChickens

    Bird mayhem

    Bird mayhem! These birds are running amuck! Some of these are third generation hatched-on-the-farm. Some were even born in the woods. True wild birds. Hen running in grass is "Biscuit," the original matriarch hen that started it all. Peep is the big rooster boy, father. He jumps for corn...
  9. FatherofChickens

    Wanted: POOPY POOP BOARD/TRAY Pictures

    I had a poop board in my portable coop that's now abandoned. It was at a 45 degree angle and had a little slot for the poop to roll out the side. My main coop I tried poop boards but the birds roost all up in the rafters and just poop everywhere. The poop is out of control. The poop in the...
  10. FatherofChickens

    Best methods to keep dogs from digging under fence?

    Pssshhhh. C'mon bro. You're scolding me for allowing a roving pitbull to come onto my property and possibly poke his paw one time when he tries to dig into my coop and kill my chickens?
  11. FatherofChickens

    Coyote Attack

    Coyote will be back until you answer with lead. I had one coyote take three chickens in a week last summer. No sign of feathers or even a struggle, just missing birds. They grab them and go. I look out kitchen window one evening, see him eyeballing the chickens, just standing in my lawn about...
  12. FatherofChickens

    Best methods to keep dogs from digging under fence?

    Spiked garden hose bro. I had a pit bull attack and almost dig under my coop fence. I found a couple old sections of half-rotted garden hose and drove a bazillion nails through it. Halfway buried it at base of fencing, further reinforced with some wire to hold it in place. Took a while to make...
  13. FatherofChickens

    Aggressive HAWK and pen security

    Hawk wind! Wow! Never happened to me, but that's really cool! Had my oldest, most rugged hen pinned by gigantic King Hawk about a year ago. I heard her screaming and came running with my dogs and a broom. She was fine with just a scratch. He ended up coming back but I scared him off with loud...
  14. FatherofChickens

    Racoons help!

    Make sure there's no food anywhere outside the coop the coons would be attracted to. Most of my racoon deaths came from coons that were already attracted to food/water where they could get to it at night. The killing of the chickens was secondary. I removed the outdoor food pellet dispenser...
  15. FatherofChickens

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Protect Your Chickens From Predators?

    After three years of chickens, I've learned it's rough out there for a chicken. Mine are free range on a little hill top, deep in the woods and fields of rural MS. Coyotes bobcats hawks racoons possums skunks snakes rats cats wild dogs owls fox windegos you name it. Here's my two cents on...
  16. FatherofChickens

    New chicks and the existing flock

    I'm down in Mississippi. Warm humid spring so far!
  17. FatherofChickens

    New chicks and the existing flock

    Hey So I picked up six new little chickies from the farm store. They are so cute and fuzzy. I have them in a big metal water trough, my brooder, that's on the floor of my existing chicken coop. Heat lamp, pine shavings, food and water - they are happy right now. My existing adult flock...
  18. FatherofChickens

    Scared Chickens, won't leave coop; one died/was killed yesterday.

    They've got a 25 by 25 foot outdoor "run" with bird netting completely over the top. Its actually a converted dog pen - its good because the chain link fence is buried into the ground and set in concrete most of the way around. They also have an attached converted tool shed with a ton of wire...
  19. FatherofChickens

    Scared Chickens, won't leave coop; one died/was killed yesterday.

    Yeah, must have been a hawk. We have a lot of hawks around here - supposedly a bald eagle or two here and there. I reckon there's not a lot you can do if they're free ranging. I'd only been letting them free range for about a week and then this happened. Guess they're back to being fenced in...
  20. FatherofChickens

    Scared Chickens, won't leave coop; one died/was killed yesterday.

    Had five chickens yesterday. Two roosters, three hens. One of the hens was an outsider that was introduced later to the flock, along with her sisters. Sally was her name. She was a sweet white egg-layer. Big and fuzzy, very friendly. Her sisters were eaten by raccoons a while back - I fixed...
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