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  1. S

    Dealing with Opossums and chickens

    re member the 3 s's. shoot, shovel, shut up
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    Got a suggestion for super-quiet hens in a small-lot suburb?

    my polish crested ladies don't make much noise
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    Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

    yer formula doesn't add up. following yer recipe would yield 55# of mix, not 100#
  4. S

    I know now what killed my bird. What next?

    remember the 3 S's Shoot Shovel Shut up
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    Going out to feed/maintain/..slip on shoe recommendations?

    rubber boots. try 'em in the store to make sure they slip on and off easy. you can get them insulated too. and they're easy to clean
  6. S

    Help! My chickens are bullying another to death!!

    Rebuilding my coop and electrifying my fence...possibly delusions of grandeur but still, we march on! Everytime Maran is spelled Moron, this user has a hoot. not to get off thread, but I have a copper maran that is just plain mean, so I named her Moron
  7. S

    'Sweetest' / most human friendly chicken breeds

    polish crested. had to pick them up and put them to bed until they got the hang of it.
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    Help me get rid of my nightly visitors!!!!!

    ditto. solved my problem. don't know where they went, never saw any bodies, but they're gone and that's what counts
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    Hawk stole a young chicken! How to deter them?

    if all else fails, remember the 3 S's (shoot shovel shut up) with emphasis on the last S
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    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Coop Smelling Fresh?

    I use a long rectangular plastic planter instead of a board. hangs on chains under their roost.
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    Can somebody expain Diatomaceous Earth?

    also helps control fleas and ticks. sold as a filter medium for pools too. cost less than if bought in a feed store or some place like that. I add some to the dirt bath area for my ladies. you could use it to give yer critters (dogs and such) a dry bath
  12. S

    Updates on the last pages: Neighbor is threatening me and my chickens

    if anybody is in the wrong, it's him not you. I would tell him to mind his own dammed business
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    Hardware cloth versus welded wire.

    you might want to look into getting an inexpensive .22. it will help reduce the predator population.
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    FOX: Is there ANY way to get EVICT them from the premises?

    live traps and relocation - far enough away so they don't find their way back. you could shoot them with a pellet gun. there are pellet guns available that are powerful enough to take down a large animal like a deer. just do a little research. as a last resort, you could poison them. just be...
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    New guy here. Need help on coop

    there's lots of plans available for free. search the innertube for ideas. for yer budget you could build one that would be better than what you could buy. don't forget some kind of fenced yard for them, unless they will be free range. still need some kind of protection from predators - four...
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    Strange!!! Did my rooster lay this egg?

    looks like who ever laid it needs more calcium. :):lau
  17. S

    Adopted neighborhood stray chicken

    Diatomaceous Earth (commonly used as pool filter medium)
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