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  1. S

    New chick with dewlap?

    I have a 2 day old chick that has a dewlap going on. Not swollen, not just fluff. Has saggy skin. He looks a little funny. Anyone experienced this before? Mixed breed
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    Old incubator ( not that old )

    Was wondering if any of Yall can give me an idea of what my boyfriend bought for $100. Works great and keeps temp. Just need to know what kind of egg holder and water system to put in it
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    Surprise box from cackle hatchery

    50 birds. 2 turkeys 2 ducks and 46 chicks
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    Cubalaya and red jungle fowl.

    I need better pictures on how they will look and size. Got These from tractor supply
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    Mystery chick

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    When tractor supply mixes your chicks

    These are the possible breeds of chicks I have. Plus some mystery chicks Copper marans ( St ) silver laced Wyandotte (St ) Cornish rocks ( St ) leghorns ( f ) golden sex links ( f ) Barnevelder ( f ) Rhode island reds ( f )
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    Chick with upside down lower leg

    What should I do with it? Anyone with a aged chicken with this problem?
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    Golden lace wyandotte x silver lace wyandotte

    Looking to breed my golden rooster to mu silver hen. What would the offspring look like? Need reference pictures please
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    Mystery genes

    I've recently been hatching barnyard mix chicks with 5 toes and fuzzy feet( variety of combos). Thing is we don't have any chickens with those gene quailitys. All our females ( sapphire gem, black sex link, silver lace Wyandotte, ISA browns.) And our 2 males are a game bantam mix and a golden...
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    Not a chicken, but a quinea

    Pretty brown feet
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    Not a chicken, but a quinea

    Wanted to know the coloring of this guinea. I was thinking buff but idk. It's more brown than white/purple.
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    Buff orpington?

    Picked up some chicks from tractor supply. Labeled buff orpington. I see a small amount of grey in them. They also have black stuff on their feet. Pulls off easy, doesn't hurt them. What's that?
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    Mixed cochins or something else

    Picked up some "black cochins". They're pretty. I have 2 more roos not shown but they have less fluffy legs and more lighter colors. They lay insanely small cream eggs
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    Fowl pox on ayam cemani chicks

    I recently bought 7 chicks. I noticed two had sores. One of the chicks had sores on its nose skin and the other in its feathers between the nose and eye. I'll post pics when I can. For sure they will be quarantined from the rest. All under a month old. Can chicks get fowl pox? How long will it...
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    Fowl pox on ayam cemani chicks

    I recently bought 7 chicks. I noticed two had sores. One of the chicks had sores on its nose skin and the other in its feathers between the nose and eye. I'll post pics when I can. For sure they will be quarantined from the rest. All under a month old. Can chicks get fowl pox? How long will it...
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    Are these polish roosters?

    Picked up these two from a lady who bought them at a feed store labeled "silkies" obviously not silkies. She had more polish and possible sultans. But these are polish correct?
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    Cochin color genetics

    If I were to breed a black Cochin rooster to a buff cochin hen what colors would I get?
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    Is this a guinea chicken mix?

    Maybe, I buy hatching eggs from a lady. She does have turkens. My only reason to doubt that is because of how curved the beak is. But we'll see
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    Is this a guinea chicken mix?

    The smaller chick in the picture is not involved
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