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  1. Aussiechickener

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Been very busy lately. Moved houses, and my girls are really loving the new place. I've also started keeping quail which has been a bit of a learning curve, and I've had a few hiccups but I'm really loving them.
  2. Aussiechickener

    Please help mw

    I'm not expert when it comes to injuries and illnesses so I'd say if you can try and find a vet who specialises in birds. If that's not an option I found this thread for the breaks.
  3. Aussiechickener

    Chicken screaming at all hours for no reason?

    So one of my girls (a frizzle bantam Sussex about 1.5 years old) has always been pretty vocal and she likes to yell at you if she wants something. However the last couple weeks she's been screaming for no reason, often very early in the morning (although she'll do it at all hours of the day)...
  4. Aussiechickener

    Is it possible to only buy one chicken to add to a flock?

    I can't have a rooster where I live unfortunately, that's why she took on the role herself. I'm considering just getting the two, my neighbours don't mind so much since they get free eggs and I dont think theyd notice an extra unless I told them.
  5. Aussiechickener

    Is it possible to only buy one chicken to add to a flock?

    So unfortunately one of my beautiful girls died recently protecting my little girls when my neighbours dog broke into the yard and attacked them. I dont want to minimise her death because I loved her but I have considered getting another chicken. Unfortunately I am only able to have 6 chickens...
  6. Aussiechickener

    Old girl has laid a lash egg

    The hormone implant basically stops egg production for up to 6 months. These articles/blogs goes into some detail about how it works...
  7. Aussiechickener

    Old girl has laid a lash egg

    I see a specialist vet that specialises in exotic animals including poultry. If anyone around the Brisbane, QLD area needs a good small animal vet I recommend Brisbane birds and exotics veterinary services (BBEVS) they have been amazing this last year for treating my chickens and they always...
  8. Aussiechickener

    Old girl has laid a lash egg

    So hopefully this is my final update. My girl is doing well. After a final checkup they have determined she has no traces of infection and has not retained any more fluid. I've been given the all clear but have been told to keep an eye on her as this kind of thing has a habit of resurfacing over...
  9. Aussiechickener

    Old girl has laid a lash egg

    Another update after seeing the vet again. She still has a little bit of an infection that she can't kick, so we decided to go with a hormone implant to give her system a break so it can heal properly. So she's back on the antibiotics for another two weeks or so and we'll see how she goes. I...
  10. Aussiechickener

    Old girl has laid a lash egg

    Sorry of the late update, been pretty busy. The vet confirmed she has an infection although it's relatively mild so she's on some painkillers, and antibiotics, plus a calcium suppliment. It's been over a week now and she seems to be doing well so I think we caught it in time. They have also...
  11. Aussiechickener

    Old girl has laid a lash egg

    So I've booked her in for an appointment with the vet so hopefully I can get some treatment going. For the time being I'm going to keep her immune system up and give her some some scrambled eggs and garlic, and some apple cider vinegar and oregano in the water. I know its not guaranteed to work...
  12. Aussiechickener

    Old girl has laid a lash egg

    So I've had this australorp for a little over six months. I suspected she was older when I bought her, and she hasn't laid properly the entire time I've owned her. She has occasionally laid soft eggs every month or so, and still likes to sit in the box. Today I found what I suspect after some...
  13. Aussiechickener

    Angry chicken contest

    This is Kiev. She's a teenager. She's angry that she got rained on and ruined her little afro.
  14. Aussiechickener

    Angry chicken contest

    This is Kebab. She's a teenager. She's angry that I took her out of her broody box.
  15. Aussiechickener

    Angry chicken contest

    Got quite a few of these for being a newish owner. This is butter. She's a teenager. She's very mad that Schnitzel is trying to steal her laying spot.
  16. Aussiechickener

    Broody chickens breaking eggs

    So I have 6 chickens, 5 of which lay. At the moment two are broody and one looks like she might go broody. The problem is because I don't have segregated boxes (just two long boxes) the girls like to huddle in or steal each others spots when laying. Since one of my broody girls tends to be...
  17. Aussiechickener

    Chicken laying soft eggs

    She still sits in the box like she's going to lay, but there's never any eggs. She's an Australorp, which I know are good layers. She did have a hard moult, which I've never experienced before so I'm not sure if it takes longer to come back from that although her feathers have all come back...
  18. Aussiechickener

    Chicken laying soft eggs

    So it's been a while and this girl still hasn't layed, not even soft shell eggs. She has access to shells and my other girls lay fine so it's not calcium related. Is it possible she's just coming into being too old to lay? Is there a way to tell a chickens age as an adult to see how old she is?
  19. Aussiechickener

    Chicken laying soft eggs

    So I got this chicken a couple of months ago, I'm not sure exactly how old they are but they started moulting when I got them so I'm assuming theyre at least a year old. Because they were moulting they hadn't layed any eggs yet. Now that their moult is over they have started to lay this week...
  20. Aussiechickener

    Broody chicken that doesn't lay

    She's only just started sitting on it today. They've been moved in for a couple weeks now and they're older than my other girls so they've adjusted pretty well so I don't think its stress. She hasn't laid the entire time we've had her but she has been hopping up into the nest box every now and...
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