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  1. Suburban Sprouts


    I've kept chickens for 7 years and never run into cocci... Today when I was collecting eggs I noticed some chicken poop on the ground that had these blood-clot looking lumps in it. I looked around and only saw this one instance of it. Can anyone tell me if this is for sure cocci or if it could...
  2. Suburban Sprouts

    4 week Salmon Faverolle & Leghorn - Roos?

    Yes, I ordered from MPC and requested females. I know the bantams are harder to sex so I'm not irritated or anything. Actually the mottled cochin was the only breed/coloring that I got two of and the other looks like a girl to me so I'm feeling good.
  3. Suburban Sprouts

    4 week Salmon Faverolle & Leghorn - Roos?

    Thanks everyone! That makes me feel much better and gives me hope!
  4. Suburban Sprouts

    4 week Salmon Faverolle & Leghorn - Roos?

    After a bunch of predator attacks this year, I had to buy chicks from a hatchery for the first time in years (I usually like to let my broody hens hatch out fertile eggs). Back when I first got into chickens, I ordered from this hatchery and ordered sexed female chicks and all of them were...
  5. Suburban Sprouts

    What does this picture mean??

    Yes, I have had some temperature issues... I'll check them again in a few days and see if the dark area has grown. Is it possible to slow development without it stopping completely?
  6. Suburban Sprouts

    What does this picture mean??

    I just candled my eggs (Day 10) and most of the eggs look like this: When I have candled incubated eggs in the past I could clearly see veins and whatnot... Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Suburban Sprouts

    what is your chickens favorite treat ever

    I thought this was a cute suggestion... She made muffins for her chickens and added Harvest Delight into the muffin mix.
  8. Suburban Sprouts

    Should a Roo be obvious by 19 weeks old?

    I have a 19 week old EE that I keep going back and forth on the gender... I have raised EE's other times and usually could tell within a couple months. Is this just my first super tricky one, or do you think if it's not obvious at this point, it's probably a girl? Just some general thoughts...
  9. Suburban Sprouts

    Someone please explain Guineas to me?

    I have a flock of 12 chickens in suburban St. Louis. I have a decent sized area for them (approximately 15' x 25'). A friend who works at the farm ranch for the local Humane Society took in a lone Guinea chick and contacted me about it. I'm familiar with them, I know that they are great for...
  10. Suburban Sprouts

    10 Week Old EE Mystery (as usual) - Boy or Girl?

    So would you recommend me waiting until 13 weeks and then posting pictures again?
  11. Suburban Sprouts

    Help...What breed am I?

    How dark brown was the egg? The colors look sort of like a Black Copper Marans... but the photos don't show a really good picture of the comb. And that is quite a bit more "copper" around the neck than most of the BCM I have seen... How old is it?
  12. Suburban Sprouts

    10 Week Old EE Mystery (as usual) - Boy or Girl?

    I have three 10 week old EE chicks (if you can really still call them chicks ). Out of the three, I'm very confident that two of them are girls, but this third one is throwing me for a loop. This is my third batch of EE babies and every other time I was able to tell the boys from the girls by...
  13. Suburban Sprouts

    How to get dark/vibrant blue eggs?

    I have had EEs for a while and all the blue eggs I get are very pale. I see lots of pictures on the forums from people who get beautiful dark blue or turquoise eggs... Can anyone tell me if it's just the luck of the draw or if pure-bred blue egg layers lay darker blue eggs? I would really...
  14. Suburban Sprouts

    Who wants to play "guess the gender?"

    Thanks, everyone. I do have one other follow-up question for any of the more experienced chick-raisers: Of the five chicks, the Black Copper Marans and the dark brown EE feathered in the fastest, while the other three have been slower to feather-in. I know that often times the males feather...
  15. Suburban Sprouts

    Who wants to play "guess the gender?"

    I figured it was too soon at 4 weeks (knowing how hard EEs are to sex this young) but thought I'd throw 'em on here just in case!
  16. Suburban Sprouts

    Who wants to play "guess the gender?"

    I have 5 chicks - approximately 4 weeks old. I'm pretty sure I know the gender of several of them, but there are a couple mysteries. Chick #1 - Black Copper Marans, I'm confident it's a girl: Chick #2 - Easter Egger, Maybe a boy? Chick #3 - Easter Egger, My guess = girl...
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