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  1. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Hello all! I can't wait til it stays warm all the time! I need two things. I have 5 2-month old serama chicks that need homes. I'm *thisclose* to just giving them away. 1 frizzle roo, two smooth roos, and two smooth hens. Very small, very cute! And two, I need wooden apple crates. The sturdy...
  2. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    John, I think you need some little seramas to go in that nice new coop!!
  3. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Why is it that all my LF hens have gone on strike, I've only gotten one single solitary egg in the past 2 1/2 weeks... and my two serama hens won't quit laying?!? My little momma hen has gone broody again, and she's got more eggs under her than she can sit on. I peeked under her an hour ago and...
  4. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Snick! You've got a gorgeous horse there!! Beth
  5. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    I ended up having to go in this morning, but only for a few hours to reschedule our patients for today and tomorrow. Honey insisted on driving me in his 4wd truck. It's pretty icy now. My chickens have not come out of the henhouse yet today! The horses hadn't touched the snow when I went to feed...
  6. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    I'm not looking forward to this weather we've got coming! We canceled our afternoon at work (doctor's office) last Feb when it started snowing at lunchtime. I heard on Friday that at least one of my patients rescheduled her appointment tomorrow for a later date. I hope it's not that bad...
  7. HardLuckHill

    I'm doing it! Almost.. Hopefully.....

    I'm a CMA! I work in a group ob/gyn practice. A very, very busy practice. There are 5 providers, and each has their own help. Three LPNs, myself, and one other CMA. We all do the same work. I could do just about anything in the practice, but I love the clinical aspect much more than admin. I...
  8. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Quote: Too funny. I hope you get lots and lots of little chickies!
  9. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Juliette! I love the colors on Louie!!
  10. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    AKsmama, those little seramas I posted pics of are available at reasonable rates! LoL I can't decide if I want to part with the frizzle or not. I'm near Aiken if you're interested. Beth
  11. HardLuckHill

    Serama Chicks

    I own both the parents of these little guys. Daddy is a barred/crele smooth rooster and Mom is a black and white frizzle hen. These guys were hatched the old fashioned way, and Momma hen was only 7 months old herself!
  12. HardLuckHill

    Serama Chicks

    The combs on the girls are barely noticeable while the boys' combs are more pronounced and red. I've been able to differentiate them for almost a week now.
  13. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    They only cooperated for a second, sitting on the little up-turned basket. Then they went running for the aquarium where they are currently living. I don't want them to go outside! They're a month old now. Pullet #1 Cockeral #1 Cockeral #2 Pullet #2, I hope she keeps the spots on...
  14. HardLuckHill

    Serama Chicks

    They only cooperated for a second, sitting on the little up-turned basket. Then they went running for the aquarium where they are currently living. I don't want them to go outside! They're a month old now. Pullet #1 Cockeral #1 Cockeral #2 Pullet #2, I hope she keeps the spots on...
  15. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    You're welcome Eric! I can't wait to see what you end up with! Beth
  16. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Snick, if I'm not mistaken, I do believe they're all frizzle, and all pullets too! Congrats!! Juliette, you've got a bunch of frizzles there too! Oh, and look, all girls! hehe!
  17. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Too cute, Snick! Juliette, I can't wait to see your babies start to get their feathers! I swear I'm going to take some pictures of my babies soon! Definitely three roos and two hens, the only frizzle is a roo. Got a feeling I'm going to be keeping him! I'm still trying to figure out what my...
  18. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    You know where to find me, Eric! I've got a dozen for you so far: 7 green (EEs), 1 white (exchequer leghorn), 1 cream (white silkie), and 3 brown eggs (either blue cochin mix, cuckoo marans mix, barred rock mix, or blue laced red wyandotte, lol). Also have two serama eggs, could be frizzled...
  19. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    Quote: Hey Juliette! You'll have to let me know if that chocolate turns out to be a smooth cockeral. I ended up with five chicks from Sunshine and Domino, only one turned out frizzle. I'm thinking there's three boys and two girls. They're living in an aquarium on the dining room table, haha. I...
  20. HardLuckHill

    South Carolina

    I'll believe the snow reports when I see it. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy the warmer weather!! Lol
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