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  1. bookchick

    Can I feed black soldier fly larvae straight from the breeding bucket?

    I only feed from the grub collection bucket, not off the pile. I never add chicken manure to my Biopod. I have a separate composter for that and, though the BSF use that too, I don't feed those grubs to the chickens. I let those BSF hatch and keep the population going.
  2. bookchick


    Orlando area BYCers: In case you didn't see it, there was an article about urban chickens in the Orlando Weekly yesterday: Shame to know that the city council isn't interested in changing the rules a bit to allow backyard flocks.
  3. bookchick

    Earthworms, Mealworms, Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Crickets...

    I have a BioPod for raising the BSF grubs. You are probably a bit far for an afternoon look-see, but if you ever travel to the Orlando area, I would be happy to show you my setup and even give you some starter grubs if you want. Just PM me!
  4. bookchick

    Chicken's poop looks like melted caramel...problem?

    I think it's normal compared to the photos on this site. I keep this web page bookmarked! Photos are gross, but really helpful for me to compare for what's normal and what's not.
  5. bookchick

    Where is the best place to get Diatomaceous Earth DE

    I got a 40 lb bag from Farm City in Apopka for just under $25. They don't stock bags that large (they sell a 6lb jar for $12 off the shelf), but they will have it brought in within a week if you ask. The brand is Red Lake Earth I didn't ask...
  6. bookchick

    PICS/Need gender: 12 week old - 4 Australorps, 1 Buff Rock, 1 RIR

    Thank you so much everyone. I'm disappointed, but I will survive!
  7. bookchick

    PICS/Need gender: 12 week old - 4 Australorps, 1 Buff Rock, 1 RIR

    Your responses make me extremely nervous/sad. I will go out and see what I can tell about their saddle feathers today (pointy/rounded). I will try and resize the photos and edit my original post later this evening. Thanks for your input though!
  8. bookchick

    PICS/Need gender: 12 week old - 4 Australorps, 1 Buff Rock, 1 RIR

    I recently heard a crow and now I need to know for sure. I got 6 chicks from a straight run. My guess is at least 2 boys. Rhode Island Red Red (original...I know) has smaller wattles and comb than the others, doesn't hold tail up consistently; is smaller in size than all the others. Hoping a...
  9. bookchick


    Quote: I know there are places that will process your meat birds for you, but don't know of any in Central Fla. There may be places that process wild game that would do your domestic chickens, but I don't know. I'm in western West Palm Beach and I process my own surplus roosters for my own...
  10. bookchick

    Orlando, FL area butchers

    Sorry guys, I was working on getting some photos to post for Monkey. The darlings won't stand still as you all probably know. Here's a link to the post with photos. I haven't heard another crow yet, but I hope to be able...
  11. bookchick

    Orlando, FL area butchers

    Central Florida members - Do any of you know of a butcher who will dress out a rooster or two? Are there any of you who raise meat birds who would be willing to do mine? I have 6 12 week old chickens and just heard my first adolescent "crowing" this morning. I am pretty sure that I have at...
  12. bookchick


    Central Florida members - awkward question: Do any of you know of a butcher who will dress out a rooster or two? Are there any of you who raise meat birds who would be willing to do mine? I have 6 12 week old chickens and just heard my first adolescent "crowing" this morning. I am pretty sure...
  13. bookchick

    A-frame tractor/coops? Where can I see pics and plans?

    Bellasmom & 12001: I love that extra side-access door! I will have to add one to mine to make my life easier! Oh, and to update my earlier post, if you do gardening in beds, I think the tractor is a great idea because you can protect your girls as they till and eat the bugs without them getting...
  14. bookchick

    A-frame tractor/coops? Where can I see pics and plans?

    I have a locally-built version of a catawba coop. It was really inexpensive, but if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't do it. It is heavy enough to last but only takes 2 people to move. For predator safety, I added a wire skirt and that hinders moving it as easily and I have to...
  15. bookchick


    Add me! Central FL NW Orlando/Apopka area Got my first 6 chickens only 4.5 weeks ago, been lurking on BYC about a year in preparation for the big day. Six-weeks old and changing every day! I love them!
  16. bookchick

    No offense

    Did you tell them this? They might be understanding of your situation and rehome their rooster in order to keep their flock of hens. If not, then I can certainly understand your frustration.
  17. bookchick

    Chicken Popsicles, Anyone tried this?

    I made (corn) grits and put the remainder in the freezer in spoonfuls. I break one of those out and they have a good time pecking at the little pieces that come off. Keeps them busy and they sure like it. I think mine prefer the instant cold stuff like yogurt, or soft veggies (like squash or...
  18. bookchick

    Biopod for feeding chickens

    I have a Biopod and my chickens love the larvae. I am new to chicken-dom! I have six 6-week old chicks in an 8-foot tractor/ark (4 black australorps, 1 buff rock, and one rhode island red). They have continual access to a feeder with medicated chick starter. I have not yet decided if I am...
  19. bookchick

    wood preservative nightmare - please advise

    Thanks so much, everyone - I just don't want to hurt my babies. (Can you tell I'm a new chicken mom?) I truly appreciate your willingness to share your expertise. Deep down inside I know that man has been keeping chickens for a very long time and they're pretty resiliant creatures. - Tracy...
  20. bookchick

    wood preservative nightmare - please advise

    I have searched the backyard chickens website and seen many conflicting opinions, so I am not sure how asking will help, maybe if only to consolidate the opinions in one place for me? I recently got an 8ft coop from - a local guy who builds based on plans from...
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