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  1. Remnant88

    Ended Funny Chicken Name Contest - Win 60 lbs of Grubbly Layer Feed From GrubblyFarms

    My children named their chickens. 7 yr old named hers Gummybear ( BCM ) 10 yr old name his Shadow ( Barred Rock ) 2 yr old named his Buk-buk (Columbian Rock ) 6 yr old named his Joey (Columbian Rock ) All Pullets.
  2. Remnant88

    Comment by 'Remnant88' in article 'Our Tinycoop'

    Very cute coop! I'm sure they'll do just fine with the size of it, they've got plenty of run space where they'll probably spend most of their time anyway. The torched outside gave it a really nice aged/rustic look. Job well done. 😁
  3. Remnant88

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 06-11-20 - Pic by DiYMama540

    Dog: I could have been your father but Drake got to yo mamma first. Duck: your a quack!
  4. Remnant88

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    Just curious where to buy PDZ? (Zeolite) Local farm supply store doesn't have anything listed.
  5. Remnant88

    Comment by 'Remnant88' in article 'Trictle's Chicken Coop With Plans'

    I'm currently building this as well and got quite confused when it came to the pitch. I just did my own thing and it turned out quite well. The structure itself I built to spec. The roof itself after this photo I added a lot more cross members since I wasn't using ply. Roof is completely...
  6. Remnant88

    Black Australorp 5 weeks

    I read/hear a lot of stories on here about owners getting rid of they're chicks online to find out that people voted 9/10 Cockrel but in fact it was a pullet. Always best to wait it out. I myself go crazy trying to play the guessing game. Time will tell. Also looks like a pullet in my opinion...
  7. Remnant88

    9.5 week old chickens : faces turning red?

    Could the redness in their combs occur sooner or later based on different breeds?
  8. Remnant88

    Official BYC Poll: What type of COOP bedding do you like best?

    Dirt in a raised coop? Never heard of anyone doing that before although it would make it so much easier to compost and use for plants/gardening without having to wait a lengthy time for shavings/straw to break down into compost.
  9. Remnant88

    Hen or Roo? Black sex link chicken

    Curious: is this a black Sexlink or BCM? Was told it's a black sex link pullet. Has a decent comb but no wattle.
  10. Remnant88

    Review by 'Remnant88' in article 'Trictle's Chicken Coop With Plans'

    Absolutely love this coop and it was the perfect size for my 4 girls. I've looked at what seems to be hundreds of different photos and designs, I went with this one! I've been collecting lots of skids over several weeks to save myself some money. Times like this I believe we could all save a...
  11. Remnant88

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    Off topic but.. #1 looks like Joe Exotic.. :lau
  12. Remnant88

    Looking for gender help.

    ,They do have tiny waddles nothing extravagant. Still quite yellow 3 of them. One is a very light light pink but still very yellow.
  13. Remnant88

    Looking for gender help.

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