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  1. S

    Help RI sounds like she’s wheezing?

    My Rhode Island Red chicken 10 months old just started having wheezing sounds horrible, no runny nose or eyes, comb looks good. Still eating and acting normal but sounds horrible. I thought she was growling at first. She just went into her nests. Will check down her throat when she’s done...
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    Rooster Behavior so cute.. I Think 🤔

    Well... My 19 week old Rooster Happy was being extremely aggressive with the pullets a couple of weeks ago only having 3 hens his age. Then he started to be aggressive towards me. We have 4 more 13.5 week old pullets we’ve integrated with the hens and will integrate with him once they are 16...
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    Help Stockholm syndromes!!

    I’m really confused. My RI were soo stressed out with Happy the Rooster around so I separated him from the flock a week ago. I have him free ranging while the girls have been in the run. I have had the 12 week old pullets with the 17 week old integrating them. So today I thought I would lock...
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    Integrating 12 week pullets with 17 week hens

    Hi, I have 3 RI hens 17 weeks and 3 BJG and 1 Cochin 12 weeks old. They spent 3 weeks from age 7 to 10 weeks old in a see don’t touch pen. Then I let them out together in the large run with lots of hiding places, and double feeders and waters. The First week they looked like opposite magnets...
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    Rooster Separation

    I appreciate your experiences. I took everyone’s advice and am trying to separate my 16 week old Alpha Rooster Happy from my small flock Of 7 hens. 3 are 16 weeks and 4 are 11 weeks. He is aggressive and not smart enough to realize the 4 are too young to mate. His testosterone is raging And he...
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    Rooster Behavior Help please

    I love all the advice on this site. I just spent 2 days reading all the posts and responses about Rooster behavior. Some really good advice and the article amazing. Here’s my dilemma. I have 2 Easter Egger Cockerels/Roos 15 wk old. One is Alpha (Happy) one is Beta (Dixon). Both brothers raised...
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    How to get 6 week chicks go into coup?

    How to get 6 week old chicks into the coup at night? My first set of chicks now 11 weeks old had no problem learning. I’ve tried turning a light on to draw them in, Nope, I can coax them and they get to the door and fly right back down 🤷‍♀️. We waited for them until it got dark and they wouldn’t...
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    Losing Feathers

    My EE Dixie is 10 weeks old and I’ve notice when I go into the run I’m finding several of her feathers, unlike any of her same age siblings. It also looks like she’s thinner than the RI her age. She used to be the same thickness. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. I’ve checked her...
  9. S

    Hi new small flock owner

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes started with my first 6 on April 6th 2020. My hubby and I have wanted to do this for awhile now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10. (3) What breeds do you have? 3 Americaunas, 3 RI, 3 Black Jersey Giants, 1 Blue...
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