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  1. dan_grow

    BYC Is Against SOPA & PIPA

    sent my email told everyone i know now time to send a few more calls
  2. dan_grow

    Review by '' on item 'Easter Eggers'

    the only reason to buy an Easter Eggers is for the novelty of blue or green eggs if you get them for any other reason prepare to be disappointed their not that great. BUT i only bought them for the novelty so ill give them a five out of five
  3. dan_grow

    Review by '' on item 'Rhode Island Red'

    in my opinion this breed is probably the one of the best chicken breed ive ever had the pleasure to own in my life. They lay large beautiful brown eggs every single day even during the winter their winter hardy the only problem i can see with them is that they are extremely aggressive
  4. dan_grow

    Review by '' on item 'Wyandotte'

    even though in my experience wyandottes weren't the best layers nor the best broodies i would still buy them just for the fact that ive never had a pecking problem with them. meaning they have never pecked the new chicks ive added to my flock ever
  5. dan_grow

    Review by '' on item 'Australorp'

    i love them never had any problem with this breed. The roos can become rather large and loud but have an even temper. They dont seem to be afraid of people even with minimal direct human interaction, they are hardy, and they can live practically in any climate making them a good first chicken
  6. dan_grow

    most amazing rooster ever (bossaroo)

    thanks ! and i have to say your silkie Cochin mix looks better then any pure Cochin i've ever seen. also i'll see if my feed store guy has any Cochins i think he might also have a silkie or two left i might be interested in. thanks for the advise
  7. dan_grow

    most amazing rooster ever (bossaroo)

    JodyJo my backyard used to house 30 chickens now im down graded to 7 so size isn't a problem im just mostly looking for a friend for my smallest hen i might get a bantam rir and a black Cornish i always wanted some of those....
  8. dan_grow

    most amazing rooster ever (bossaroo)

    just yesterday i lost my favorite rooster, he was an oegb who used to fly into a tree in my back yard, he was my only roo who was quite enough that my neighbors didn't mined him and the hens were starting to except him but not his lady that came with him since she is to small to leave alone with...
  9. dan_grow


    just went out to candle my broody eggs after 22 days and not even a pep...... and found out all of those supposed fertile eggs i bought from the local feed store are duds DUDS!!!!!! so should i just by some day old chicks and put them under the broody and if so whats the best way to go about that??
  10. dan_grow

    Kind of a weird question...

    i heard somewhere that they could be but it was hard.
  11. dan_grow

    first time broody!!

    Quote: already marked with a sharpie and non of my hens lay in the same nesting box ,but ill keep looking every day
  12. dan_grow

    first time broody!!

    Mrs. K : then call your feed store and see if you can get some more chicks at that 21 day hatch date, in case the eggs don't hatch. I am on day 5. It is the longest 21 days ever! Mrs.K good idea if the eggs don't hatch at the 21 day marker ill buy some chicks to slip under her ,but if she...
  13. dan_grow

    first time broody!!

    Quote: hopefully she'll stay broody and hatch those cute lil chicks so i can just sit back watching her in the run taking care of and raising chicks
  14. dan_grow

    first time broody!!

    one of my barred rocks became broody about 6 days ago and and i wanted to know would she be able to hatch any eggs i put under her 4 days into this behaver or would she give up before their done incubating?
  15. dan_grow

    small broiler

    i have this broiler and shes half the size of all of her sisters but still larger then an average chicken (she stays with with my layers to keep from being crushed by the other broilers whenever they "run" over to the feeder) im afraid that she might get a heart attack from being so large is...
  16. dan_grow

    weird hen

    oh that make sense im in charge cool. my dad just told me that my hens wee just freaks so i got worried.
  17. dan_grow

    weird hen

    my top hens been acting weird shes been fighting way more causing other hens to squat when ever she attacks them and if i even walk by her and my other hens start squatting this all happened after moving them to a new coop a few days ago? i also removed their roo about a week or so ago but this...
  18. dan_grow

    10 week old roo mating!!!!!

    the hens are too young to lay eggs.
  19. dan_grow

    10 week old roo mating!!!!!

    i did have another cockerel around but i removed him a few days ago (he was about 4 months and just started to mate and crow loudly i may also add)
  20. dan_grow

    10 week old roo mating!!!!!

    my about 10 week old roo has started to mate his hens (if can even call them that at this age) dose this also mean he will start crowing soon....
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