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  1. prettypiglett


    I have noticed she has gone off rice lately But she is eating pellets I will get some yoghurt for her, any other foods ? She is being quite picky at what she wants. Thanks for all the advice guys, i lost a chicken early on in the year (due to a prolapse) and would hate to loose another one!
  2. prettypiglett


    Thank you, it has to be worth a you think the flies are there because of the runny poo on her feathers and thus attacking her? If so how can I stop this? It is going to be hard to keep her inside as I have a pet dog who hates my chickens!
  3. prettypiglett

    Coop full of problems! Disease, lice, picking, egg eating. HELP!

    Hi I caught my chickens with yolk on their beaks, all three of them had discovered the taste of eggs! I tried plastic eggs that were so realistic they even confused us! I read to feed them milk with bread every day and to remove the eggs as soon as they laid.....luckily I had a holiday of 2...
  4. prettypiglett


    Hi My chicken had maggots on her rear end a few days ago, I cleaned and bathed her and got them all off (as far as I could tell), when I checked a day later there were none....two days later I found none then a day later there was one, a couple of days later there were loads again. I cleaned...
  5. prettypiglett

    Chicken with loss of weight, very sleepy hardly moving

    I dont think the lump is a lump (and it was on the chest area), its not so obvious today anyway. Bought the stuff, and when my bf was holding her, yes I can see mites! I dont know how I missed them, poor chicken. Have dusted her, given her worming stuff, she has been drinking cider vinegar...
  6. prettypiglett

    Chicken with loss of weight, very sleepy hardly moving

    Well shes still alive and kicking ,today I am going to go get some wormer and mite stuff just in case she has either. Before I do this I am going to bath again (as maybe that did help a little). I will feed her some more eggs, and will get yoghurt when I next go to the shop. How many lots of...
  7. prettypiglett

    Chicken with loss of weight, very sleepy hardly moving

    She had a bad day yesterday but today she seems a little better. I was wondering if it is mites wouldnt the other chicken get it? She seems perfectly healthy, good weight, comb is a good colour, no problems. The chicken who is poorly has just eaten scramble egg and water with sugar, shall I...
  8. prettypiglett

    Chicken with loss of weight, very sleepy hardly moving

    Hi I don't seem to be doing very well and feel useless at the moment I have a chicken who is clearly poorly and dont really know why or how to help her. She hasnt been laying for a few weeks. She has now gone off her food and is drinking less (I have even resorted to sugar and water in a...
  9. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    Thank you for your kind means alot
  10. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    Sad news......we never found out if Matilda did lay that last big egg....but either way since then she had become slower and less stubborn as the days went on....she passed away tonight but not in any obvious pain. At least we gave her a chance.....RIP Matilda xxxx
  11. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    Latest update.... Matilda is still alive and fighting. It looks as though she has laid her first egg since all the problems but it was another big one! Poor girl her colour has gone pale, and she doesnt seem as active so I am guessing its made her a bit sore. But she is still eating and moving...
  12. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    Just a quick note to let you all know Matilda is still alive and well! She has yet to lay an egg but so far so good
  13. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    I'm still smiling She had to keep the stitch in for 24 hours, and it was a purse string, which had to be cut. It went across the opening, so she couldnt lay an egg, but the vet agreed we should keep her in the dark to try and stop the egg laying. So far everything has stayed in place, but...
  14. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    So far no sign of an logic is the longer this egg takes to come the more chance for her to heal. Just had a look at her and so far all is looking good
  15. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    The guilt got the better of me, and my bf......took her to the vets on wednesday night. She said it was bad but theres a slight chance. She cleaned her up, pushed everything back in. And put a stich in. It had to be kept in for 24c hours and she was given anti biotics to take for 7 days. Anyway...
  16. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    I would love to be able to take her to a vets and get it done but couldn't afford it But I also wonder if it would be fair on her to put her through it all after the last few days?
  17. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    I am lucky enough to be able to have been keeping her in a seperate run, infact she has had the luxury and extra star treatment. It has been covered, to keep her in darkness with only a slight gap on one side so she can still be near and see my two other chickens. My conclusion seems to...
  18. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    It is even sadder by the fact she seems to allow the pushing back, holding her still and all the fuss. She seems as bright as ever at the moment, eating and moving is all fine ....infact you would never know anything was wrong except for the honey kept near by and the latex gloves! If it...
  19. prettypiglett

    prolapsed uterus

    Another sad day, have put it back in once and about to do it again. Have been keeping her in dark, with food and water but she has limited room to move about, we have noticed if she moves about alot it pops back out quickly. We are thinking tomorrow has to be the last day of trying....what do...
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