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  1. T

    Can anyone say what predator attacked this bird?? *Picture attached, graphic*

    Hi everyone, This morning, a couple meters away from the chicken coop, I saw a pigeon/dove that had its insides completely scooped out... It was very sad to see. I've never seen a bird attacked like this in my backyard before. We have feral cats, raccoons, skunks, and possums in the area (with...
  2. T

    Bullied hen with injured eye--How to treat?

    Hi, thank you so much for the response! I'm sorry I couldn't get a clearer picture. We have neosporin and triple antibiotic ointment on hand. Can I ask--how would you apply it? Directly on the open eye, or on the surrounding area? With a finger or a q-tip, etc.?
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    Bullied hen with injured eye--How to treat?

    Hi everybody... I have a black australorp hen around 8-9 months old. We keep her (and 2 other australorps) with some ISA Browns, and even after a few months of putting them together, the ISA Browns (older) tend to bully the australorps a lot. Yesterday, we saw one of the australorp's eyes to...
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    **Lethargic hen with NO BALANCE, low appetite

    I appreciate this, thank you so much for your response and good wishes :)
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    **Lethargic hen with NO BALANCE, low appetite

    Hi everybody. I have a 6-7 month old Black Australorp hen, she is really sweet and friendly with us and got sick suddenly. She gets bullied a lot by the other hens and a few days ago when we saw her a little weak, we brought her inside to eat and drink. Right now she is inside in a cage. She...
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    1 yr old EE hen hasn't been laying for 2 months but looks healthy?

    Haha thank you so much for the response!! I'll definitely keep that in mind :)
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    1 yr old EE hen hasn't been laying for 2 months but looks healthy?

    Hey everyone!! We have an EE hen that's almost a year old now, and she began laying at around 6 months old. A little under 2 months ago, she got sick and had a problem with an egg inside her--after a few Epsom salt baths she eventually passed the membrane/egg safely. We gave her the safeguard...
  8. T

    10 month EE hen w/ watery green poop, not laying, and struggling to eat

    Thank you for the response! We have opened her beak and everything looks fine in there. We felt around her crop and it feels normal, definitely not hard or firm, maybe a tad squishy. She hasn't been dewormed and she is not vaccinated for Mareks. There's no signs of lice or mites. From what I...
  9. T

    10 month EE hen w/ watery green poop, not laying, and struggling to eat

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice and how to deal with one of our hens. She hasn't laid in a couple days, I'd say maybe a little under a week now. There are no protrusions and she isn't limping or anything, so we don't really think she could be bound. We just noticed...
  10. T

    1 yr old Leghorn × EE hen limping, out of breath, refusing to eat, clear and watery stool??

    (warning for picture of chicken anus???) One of our hens has been in a bit of a funk for the past few days (a little low energy, detached from the others) and we just dealt with it by giving her some electrolytes and keeping an eye on her. Today though she was completely off-- her walk is very...
  11. T

    Lethargic, closed eyes ~9 month EE hen--was fine this morning?

    Thank you for your response!! We felt her crop and it felt pretty normal. Good news is that she seems fine now? After an hour or two of these behaviors she seemed to perk up, started eating and drinking again, and became more active in general(moving around, observing environment, pecking at...
  12. T

    Lethargic, closed eyes ~9 month EE hen--was fine this morning?

    One of our 9 month old EE hens(her name is Ducky) suddenly became incredibly lethargic. She isolated herself from the flock and wasn't drinking. Just this morning she laid her egg and sang her egg song and seemed perfectly fine, but a few hours later she started exhibiting these symptoms. We've...
  13. T

    ~20w EE drooped over, fluffed up, abnormal poops

    Thank you for the reply! She's actually recovered and is back with her flock! We didn't really know what it was that she had, but we gave her some Vitamin E, hard boiled egg yolks, and electrolytes + kept her in the cage for another 1-2 days with constant monitoring and now she's active...
  14. T

    ~20w EE drooped over, fluffed up, abnormal poops

    We've had our pullet feel under the weather for the past 2-3 days(fluffed up, closing eyes a lot while standing), so we quarantined her in a little cage inside with electrolyte water. Her poops still looked pretty fine, and she was eating and drinking fairly well. This morning, though, she was...
  15. T

    What breed is my ~7 month old hen?

    The pictures might be a little low quality, apologies. We were told that she is a Leghorn-Delaware cross, and she just laid her first egg today(yay!) but it came out... an olive green color? Any thoughts? (Brown egg on the left is one of her sisters')
  16. T

    13-14 week old Easter Egger- Hen or Roo?

    Oh boy... we know!!😭 We have a boy that looks just like yours!!
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    13-14 week old Easter Egger- Hen or Roo?

    We're on the fence about her(?).. any ideas??
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    13-14 week Easter Egger: Hen or Roo?

    Yeah... I don't really know what to say😬 (Its the dark red/brown one)
  19. T

    9 week old EE chicken -- Hen or Roo?

    This is our girl(?) Falcon. We raised her since she was a chick and we really hope that she's a hen.. She is an Easter Egger, 9 weeks. Could there possibly be saddle feathers growing? She has not crowed at all, but occasionally makes a kind of trilling noise.
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    Leghorn x Delaware 5 month hen lethargic with nasal discharge

    For the past one or two days, our Leghorn x Delaware hen(roughly 5 months, has not started laying yet) was pretty isolated from the rest of the group and kept sleeping all fluffed up. This morning, we isolated her from her flock(4 other birds) in a little cage with pine shavings, her layer feed...
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