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  1. KestrelCamMan

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    27Apr2024: The chicken flock is 8 hens right now; 2 Danish Brown Leghorns, 2 Sapphire Olive Eggers and 4 Olive Eggers. I'm also closely monitoring my backyard Western Screech Owl nestbox with an IP camera right now, as this year's crop of 5 owlets is going to fledge within the next few days. For...
  2. KestrelCamMan

    Comment by 'KestrelCamMan' in article 'Table Scraps and Leftovers for Chickens'

    I've had chickens for over 20 years now, and from day 1, my chickens have nibbled on the leaves of my tomato plants with what appears to be no ill effects. I never heard about the taboo on tomato leaves before. I can't really regulate them eating the tomato leaves anyway since my chickens live...
  3. KestrelCamMan

    I learned how to use the eggs for a new comfort food, spaghetti pasta alla carbonara. I'm...

    I learned how to use the eggs for a new comfort food, spaghetti pasta alla carbonara. I'm watching my American Kestrel / Western Screech Owl nestbox camera awaiting the return of one of those raptors for a new nesting season. A Male Western Flicker is overnighting now.
  4. KestrelCamMan

    Crow sound of different breeds

    Here's one for your collection. Odin the Danish Brown Leghorn rooster, recorded when he was a 3 month old (approximate age) stud. It has been "tripled up," i.e., I took the single crowing and combined it into a .wav file with the crowing repeated 3 times. This has been the default ring tone for...
  5. KestrelCamMan

    What dogs are good with chickens?

    I have a Miniature Shih Tzu Poodle who gets along fine with my latest batch of Danish Brown Leghorns, both as chicks and now as 5 month pullets. He loves to go into their fenced-in area and the chickens and he have no problems together. When I received 2 Australorps several years ago, they...
  6. KestrelCamMan


    I normally feed (3 large Owls & 1 RTH), weather, and present raptors for the Washington State University Raptor Club in Pullman Washington, USA, but since the China Virus in March, the University shut down our activities until further notice and the WSU Vet Hospital staff do all the feeding. I...
  7. KestrelCamMan

    I feed (3 large Owls & 1 RTH), weather, and present raptors for the WSU Raptor Club in Pullman...

    I feed (3 large Owls & 1 RTH), weather, and present raptors for the WSU Raptor Club in Pullman Washington, USA. I also do American Kestrel & Western Screech Owl research, nestbox photography & sustainability studies. My small flock of 3 Danish Brown Leghorns started to go into menopause late...
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