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    Arizona Heat Problems

    Also i just set up a mister and the chicken arent panting anymore so hopefully its all good
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    Arizona Heat Problems

    What is an adobe? Like an adobe house for them?
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    Arizona Heat Problems

    We are at around 90 degrees already outside and will slowly reach upwards to 110 possibly in mid summer. How can I keep my chicken cool without having to keep them inside the house? At what temperature will be absolutely necessary to keep them inside? Here is what I am doing now (and even with...
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    Weird Chicken Behavior. Is something wrong or is just standard crop adjustment?

    She does it everyday once or twice toward the evening. Is this of any concern?
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    Weird Chicken Behavior. Is something wrong or is just standard crop adjustment?

    here’s the video: She is 25-30 weeks old and only did this once today. Otherwise she is very active and healthy.
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    Weird Chicken Rumbling noise. Is this anything

    here’s the imgur video: It’s a little subtle but just listen close. This hen in particular makes this sound ONLY at the end of the day a few times before doing something else (im out all day and only hear her do this at the end of the day). For background she is around 25-30 weeks old Is this...
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    Chicken stretching neck. Is this gapeworm (VIDEO INCLUDED)

    her crop is now flat and empty. Ill let you know if she starts adjusting later today
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    Chicken slowly closing eyes

    My 23-week old hen is active almost all of the time, but toward the end of the day the whole flock sits together in a corner for a few minutes and she is the only one who closes her eyes. At the moment she looks sick and lethargic but just minutes later she is back to normal. For background she...
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    Chicken stretching neck. Is this gapeworm (VIDEO INCLUDED)

    Here is a video of my 25-week old chicken. She only does this “gaping” toward the end of the day for around 15-20 times while sitting but then goes back to actively pecking and scratching like normal (she does not make any noise while doing it though). It started out a few days ago as a once a...
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    Is this a purple comb?

    The picture is the best I can get at this time of day with an active chicken. Do you think it means anything? Otherwise the chicken is not at all lethargic.
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    Mild bullying toward less mature chicken

    There is no clear injury, but the dominant chicken will sometimes peck at the lower’s feet when roosting or just chase and peck at random (sometimes, rarely, pulling out a full feather). Also, for more background, these two fought quite a bit around 3 weeks ago, and the lower chicken at the...
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    All chicken laying every day for past week or so

    All of my chicken (5 in total) have layed an egg every day for the past week or two. Is this something to be concerned about? Does this mean they will run out sooner? Does it decrease their lifespan? To add their yolks are always a bit lighter colored than commercial eggs, which feels unusual...
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    Mild bullying toward less mature chicken

    My youngest chicken that used to get bullied often has grown much more mature recently (more prominent features than most of the flock) and is starting to every now and then chase one of the older chicken (who is very afraid of the youngest hen) and occasionally feather peck. Is this something...
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    Unusual Chicken Screaming (Video attached)

    My almost 20 week old chicken has gone from quietly pecking other chickens every now and then to suddenly being extremely loud and pecked on by every a few previously subordinate members of the flock (nothing serious but she never fights back or stands her ground now, just runs and gets chased...
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    Unusual chicken behavior

    Do you think I should i keep the troublesome one separated or not?
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    Unusual looking chicken feet

    One of my chicken’s feet looks metallic/silver and she has small red dots on the side of one of her legs. Is this anything serious?
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    Unusual chicken behavior

    For background I have 5 20 week old chicken. A few days ago, 2 of them (one white one brown) had a very aggressive fight in front of me that resulted in the brown one pecking a full feather off of the white. I put the brown one in separated area for the night and had her watch the others play...
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    URGENT: How to control sudden feather pecking

    I have 5 pullets that are around 18-20 weeks old. 2 of the lower pecking order birds suddenly began fighting each other with one bird seemingly the cause (as this bird also began aggressively pecking other random birds in the field). It is sunset where i am at and i have put the troublesome...
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    Do these chicken have any visible problems?

    @humblehillsfarm @ChickenCanoe @Eggcessive Here is a picture of one of my chicken’s feet. A few of my pullets have this sort of metallic/silver coloring that seems a bit unnatural. Is this a possible sign of anything like gout?
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